James Drinkard [
https://community.jboss.org/people/james_drinkard] created the discussion
"Problem with jBossTools after deleting runtimes on projects."
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Hello All,
We have an unusual setup for our eclipse deployments. We are using eclipse indigo, java
1.5, jboss EAP 4.3 and ant scripts for our builds, but the .metadata folder is out on a
server. This was done so that everyone on the team can build using eclipse pointing to a
workspace out on the server. This keeps our projects settings generic, which is needed
due to size of the app and needing to keep it stable. Our lead dev put this generic
version of eclipse out on the share so the other devs just copy it over to their machine
and when they start it up all the settings are there for them.
The problem is I was having some issues with eclipse deployment version I had copied over
and decided to delete the targeted runtimes from the projects. I left the server
properties alone, but just deleted the runtimes from the individual projects that build
our application. Now I can't add in the runtimes to the projects! We are only using
the jboss eap server for the runtimes with our deployment eclipse, so it's added in,
but unbound. We don't actually use the server to run the app from our deployment
eclipse, only to get the runtimes in our build.
The other devs can still build with no problems and the runtimes show up fine for them,
but I can't get the runtimes added as they don't display and the edit button is
What is odd is that the server tab shows files underneath for the other devs and they can
doubleclick on the server and open up it's properties. When I do that I get an unable
to open editor error.
Also, the type and vendor is missing when I view the server properties, so some metadata
of some kind got lost. To add to all this, I'm concerned about just removing the
server and trying to add it back in and messing up the configuration for everyone else.
When I did a search to add in the runtimes I got a message that there are no new runtimes
and I couldn't add them in that way.
It appears that there are some localized settings that account for this, not in eclipse as
I deleted it and started over twice, but with jBoss Tools that we have installed. My
eclipse installation shows I have jBoss Tools installed, but somehow, removing the
runtimes messed it up. I don't see jBoss Central coming up anymore, the jBoss Central
icon is missing from the Help drowpdown and on the toolbar. I'm trying to reinstall
it, but I'm getting all kinds of dependency errors in the process.
So I'm thinking there are some local settings that I need to change, but I can't
find them? Is it possible that there are localized settings specific to me that are out
on there server? Is there any other reason to account for this? Any ideas as to how to
solve this one?
PS I attached some screenshots.
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