Nikhil Maheshwari [] created the discussion
"Content flows beyond the portal page boundary"
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I have been developing a portlet using Wicket framework. I am specifically using Wickets
BaseTree component to create a tree like structure in my portlet.On expanding/collapsing
the tree, Ajax request is fired.
The problem I am facing is when I expand a tree node which has many child elements, the
content flows out of the portlet boundaryThis behavior is very specific to JBoss Portal as
the same portlet manages itself quite well when deployed on IBM Websphere portal.
I am unable to control this behavior as to how should I trigger the portlet boundary to
push down when I perform a tree expansion action.
Any help on this would be very helpful as I have no clue as to which direction should I
look for.
Attached folder - "" - "Recommendations" node
overflows from the portlet.
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