I didn't notice a @PortComponent annotation, like:
| @PortComponent(authMethod="BASIC",
Also, I'm guessing you are using the Tomcat that comes with 4.0.5.GA? If so, you
should also remember to set the restrictedUserAgents attribute on the connector:
| <Connector port="443" address="${jboss.bind.address}"
| maxThreads="100" strategy="ms"
| emptySessionPath="true"
| scheme="https" secure="true"
| keystoreFile="${jboss.server.home.dir}/conf/keystore_tiger"
| keystorePass="--" sslProtocol = "TLS"
| restrictedUserAgents="^.*MS Web Services Client
I'm not a VB expert so I cannot comment on that. I've used the express edition to
test my secure Web services and things work just fine. I have something like:
| Dim proxy As New HelloWorldWs.HelloWorldService
| Try
| proxy.PreAuthenticate = True
| proxy.Credentials = New NetworkCredential("colin1",
| Dim result As String
| result = proxy.echoString("J", "Scott")
| MsgBox(result)
| Catch ex As Exception
| MsgBox(ex.Message)
| End Try
Hope this helps spark some thoughts to discover your problem.
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