byungwoojun [] created the discussion
"Re: jBPM 5 Gunvor upload POJO model JAR import removal manually"
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Thanks, Adam! Originally, using Guvnor GUI, I wanted to uploaded two jars from our
partner products, which I cannot change the contents. Also, the jars depend on many, many
other jars including third-party jars - I know the jars are not well-defined DTO. I think
the way Guvnor compiles the uploaded jars is different from the compilation of jars on the
system classpath. To, me Guvnor tries to import every single class refereneced in the
jars. I am not saying it is wrong.
So, instead, we put the two jars in the app server classpath where the Guvnor is running.
Then, there is no compilation error. It may not dynamic as using Guvnor upload jars. for
now.... If any one has a better idea, please let me know.
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