Adrian, I would like to give you a user's perspective on this issue.
I do not know if there is such a thing as a typical user, or even if that has any meaning.
However, for the purposes of this argument, consider that I am it. I managed to get the
JBoss advanced developer's certificate, so I guess that means that I am not completely
stupid, and that I do have a certain understanding of JBoss. On the other hand I am
certainly not brilliant enough ever to be a JBoss core developer. I do not think that I
will ever understand all the intricacies of JBoss Class Loading. (Well, maybe if I devoted
myself exclusively to the subject for a month. unfortunately a month I do not have). I
love JBoss because it does give you some chance of understanding what is going on under
the hood, even though, given the constraints of time and my intellectual capacity, I know
that it will always be limited. Unfortunately I need eight hour's sleep a night, I
work on projects with time constraints, and I do have a life outside JBoss.
People like me use JBoss, and act as champions for JBoss in our different companies. I
guess you could even say, without exaggerating too much, that we provide your bread and
I guess the seminal article on Forum questions is that of Eric Raymond
. When I ask a question in the forums I try to make it intelligent. Try but obviously
fail. I have the distinction of never having had a question answered. My latest effort is
a good example: .
With 22 views it remains gloriously unanswered. However I thought I had done all my
homework. I went right through the PojoCache User Documentation. I went through the FAQ. I
went through the examples and the tests. I tried to intelligently trace the classloaders
concerned, and give sufficient information without giving too much. However there was one
document I had overlooked: the TreeCache User Documentation. Silly me! This was definitely
a stupid question. No, worse than that: a really idiotic question. I definitely deserve
roasting over the burning embers of a TreeCache for at least a week, while assorted JBoss
gurus gleefully stoke the flames with odd bits of PojoCache to keep the heat up. But,
really, would it have been too difficult for someone to briefly point me in the right
I think also, looking through the forums, that other people not quite so stupid as me feel
the same sense of frustration. I take as an example this: . I know this
entry because I hit the same problem. The question was answered by Ben Wang, so obviously
it was an intelligent question. However note how it starts:
I have read all of the documentation I can find on the JBoss AOP AND the JBoss Cache, and
even looked through the JBoss Cache public forum from beginning to end, drilling into ANY
of the cases whose subject might remotely indicate a potential solution to this. If there
is any place my question indicates I have not looked, please do point me in that
I sense a sort of desperation, and a definite lack of confidence that anyone will answer.
Incidentally, please realise that I am in no way criticising you, the core developers, or
JBoss, or anyone. I am just asking you to have a little understanding. I know also that we
can always pay JBoss for support and assistance.
I think also, and this is a related issue, not directly tied to JBoss, that there should
be a valid place for Dummie's questions. (Dummies as in the sense of 'The
Dummie's Guide to ..). The fact is that, however brilliant you may be, and however
much time you may have, you can not be an expert in everything. That means that we are
all, necessarily, dummies in something. (Unless, I suppose, you decide to limit yourself
only to those areas where you are an expert, and ignore everything else.) If you work in
an office you can probably ask a colleague in the next cubicle your Dummies'
questions. Otherwise I do not know.
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