okey9 zeng [
http://community.jboss.org/people/okey9] created the discussion
"about how create svg file?"
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i have problem :
when i use the the designer of bpmn2, success to create the a bpmn2 file (.bpmn) , a
json file (.json) and a svg file (.svg).
then i can find the useTask id , for example , the bpmn2 file contains a userTask ,
it is
<bpmn2:userTask id="_5968F97B-B8B4-4A6A-B419-A9873BD1F8B8" name="first
usertask name">..... </bpmn2:userTask>
i think should that i can find the "id" in the svg file , but i
can't find any information about the "id" in the svg file.
how be related between the file(*.bpmn) and the file (*.svg) ?
please help me..
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