I'm on the learning curve when it comes to using EJB 3.0 inside a
JBoss EJB container. I have developed all my entity beans and can
persist them successfully with JPA annotations outside an EJB
container (using Hibernate only) without a problem. it is only when I
am migrating to JBoss that I am having problems:
1.) I have an Entity which has several Lists as fields that get persisted.
2.) I have a stateful session bean (SFSB) which has the entityManager
annotated with @PersistenceContext(unitName = "myPU",
and this works great to persist an entity and immediately retrieve it
in the same method. Without this annotation, retrieving the Entity
will throw this exception:
org.hibernate.LazyInitializationException: failed to lazily initialize
a collection of role: MyEntityClass, no session or session was closed
3.) I can persist the Entity and immediately retrieve it in the same
method. However, if I keep JBoss running, and restart the VM and
retrieve the Entity with the exact same SFSB again, the exception in
bullet 2 above is thrown. (BTW, Setting to EAGER loading isn't an
option for my requirements.)
It seems that the entityManager session is being closed in one way or
another, despite the inclusion of the annotation in bullet 2 above.
I'm not clear as to if this should happen or not. I am assuming that
a stateful session bean should be able to hold open a JPA
entityManager session indefinitely. Is this a good assumption?
Also, looking at the JBoss server.log, I am seeing that my SFSB is
being passivated. How is the entityManager session supposed to
progress through passivation? I would expect it wouldn't. After
activation, am I supposed to somehow restore the entityManager
Thanks in advance for any tip or hints to get me going.
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