spyhunter99 [
https://community.jboss.org/people/spyhunter99] created the discussion
"Re: jax-ws client for HTTP Digest authentication"
To view the discussion, visit:
JAX-WS is a standardized API. The JDK comes with a reference implementation. I'm not
sure if the reference implementation supports digest Jboss includes its own implementation
and overrides what's included with the JDK using the endorsed libs. The mechanism of
generating the client and service classes has no affect in this case. It's the runtime
environment. Since you're posting on a jboss forum, I'm assuming that your
targetted environment is in fact jboss.
If you ran outside of jboss, such as with the endpoint api, and didn't specify endorse
libs, it would default the reference implementation in the jdk.
So you'll either have to use CXF, or just use http basic, http client cert, or use xml
based authentication, such as ws-usernametoken, etc
There should be a feature request on jira about it
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