darren hartford [
http://community.jboss.org/people/dhartford] created the discussion
"equiv of tomcat /shared/ location for jboss"
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hey all,
I ask a long time ago on the jboss as forum (or maybe stackoverflow, I don't recall
now) about if you had a spring-based application such as alfresco (and many others, not
just alfresco) where:
1) the application usually has a .war binary deploy.
2) the configs are usually located in a tomcat_home/shared/ location (usually under
/shared/classes/myconfig.properties for example).
This allowed the application .war binary to be updated/replaced regularly without loosing
your current configurations stored in the /shared/ location.
However, I never found out how to deploy these kinds of applications to jboss with the
same level of agility - binary war's get updated regularly, while configs are still
elsewhere in the equivalent of tomcat_home/shared/. This would avoid the need of
requiring exploded war deployments that would require re-applying of configs after .war
Could someone enlighten me please :-)
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