"kukeltje" wrote :
| Sorry, but I have no knowledge of how drools workitems are configured/created/used in
their 'GPD'
No problem ;)
A workItem in drools is in short an extension of their traditional workflow.
They use a simple configuration file to make this extension aware to their GPD
("RuleFlow-Editor") and define some eyecandy-stuff like an icon, which is shown
by the editor, a view class which is shown when editing the workItem , possible parameters
for the workItem etc.
The workItem itself is represented by a special xml-tag.
A simple process-xml definition would look like that:
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
| <process ....>
| <header>....</header>
| <nodes>
| <start id="1" name="Start"/>
| <end id="2" name="End" />
| <workItem id="3" name="Start">
| <work name="SystemMessage" >
| <parameter name="Message" >
| <type name= .... />
| <value>DemoProzess mit Datei gestartet </value>
| </parameter>
| </work>
| </workItem>
| </nodes>
| <connections>
| <connection from="3" to="2" />
| <connection from="1" to="3" />
| </connections>
| </process>
This results in a procedure to integrate customized node types which can configured with
nontechnical domain knowledge into the editor and the definition language in approximatly
30 minutes.
"kukeltje" wrote :
| (Drools 'workflow' is not something that is supported by JBoss), so
Yes I suppose it would have been an better solution to define well defined interfaces
between drools
and Jbpm than creating a new Wokrflow-Engine(which is a bit of overburden for the most use
cases) ....
But who cares ;-).
"kukeltje" wrote :
| You are right in looking at the pvm documentation for extending jPDL 4.
| Adding new element types is possible this way but indeed not by 'mapping' them
to an existing common node type by using
| e.g. an attribute value instead of an element name. Might be an interesting addition
I suppose the easiest way to achieve such a behaviour would be to change an editor in a
way to map from user "workItems"
to existing jpdl-components, because it would be downwards compatible and doesn't
require a change in the engine itself.
"kukeltje" wrote :
| Aamof, the BPMN2 implementation on top of the pvm could use something like this as
I don't know Aamof. What we need is a stable and extendable engine ....
But having a BPMN2 compatible engine sounds great.
Where can I read about it ?
Is there still a stable version ?
"kukeltje" wrote :
| The editor is a different story. With new (user defined) element names it is harder to
extend than the runtime engine, but not completely impossible.
| Using attributes would make it a little easier.
The editorpart is the most important for our use-case because of our "stupid"
process-architects :-P.
Which editor would you prefer (GPD or Signavio), I suppose Signavio would be the
"state-of-art" solution,
but the most important factor should be how easy the implemantation of such a feature is.
"kukeltje" wrote :
| With regard to your 40 days, I think it is very well possible to extend the existing
jPDL (maybe even the pvm)
| and the GPD to support large parts of this (contributions always welcome, with
'support' from our side in return ;-) )
| If you want to go this way, discussing this in the dev forum is a good thing to do.
That sounds very good ;), I will post a topic in the developer forum summarizing the task,
but it can last until tomorrow, I need some time for summarizing the task in my head
CU Jan
P.S. I would hope to invest less than 40 days but that's the max. which I can
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