Max Rydahl Andersen [] created the
"Re: JBoss tools for Eclipse 3.8?"
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Our latest Beta, soon coming CR1 runs on Eclipse Juno (3.8/4.2) *except* for the Eclipse
Dali/JPA integration since here the API's we use have changed, and not just changed,
but changed more than we can maintain one codebase for it.
Thus for 3.8 try latest Beta and upcoming CR1. but be aware in the Hibernate/Dali area it
will have issues.
We hope to move to a faster stable release flow next time around but I don't want to
start promising dates/times before we actually can deliver :)
The challenge is that large parts of JBoss Tools is stable and could easily be released as
a final on its own - but we also do experiments/new development in some parts which
can't really be considered final....should we just lie and say its Final to make
everyone feel better and just be surprised when we remove/change a recent added feature
dependent on userfeedback and how the actual underlying runtime evolves too ? :)
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