K G [
https://community.jboss.org/people/onoma] created the discussion
"No goals are selectable in maven "Run as..." dialogue via Indigo
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I have recently installed Eclipse Indigo (SR2) and JBoss Tools via the Eclipse
I attempted to create a very simple Maven project via the m2e wizards which went fine.
I then right-clicked on the POM and selceted Run as../Maven build.... When I clicked on
the "Select"
button in the resultant dialogue , there were no goals displayed.
A post on another forum described the same problem exactly and provided the following
* Open the Maven View
* Right-click on the Central repository (under Global Repsotiories) and enable full
indexing. Once this process has finished, rebuild the indexes.
I tried this but it had no effect.
I'd be grateful if anyone can advise whether I have missed something obvious here or
whether there is anotehr way to get the IDE
to recognise maven goals in the Run configurations dialogue.
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