Author: ochikvina
Date: 2010-03-18 13:22:34 -0400 (Thu, 18 Mar 2010)
New Revision: 20908
<html><head><meta name="qrichtext" content="1"
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p> -added Decode Configuration section
to Smooks-doc.</p>
Modified: trunk/smooks/docs/reference/en-US/references.xml
--- trunk/smooks/docs/reference/en-US/references.xml 2010-03-18 17:19:35 UTC (rev 20907)
+++ trunk/smooks/docs/reference/en-US/references.xml 2010-03-18 17:22:34 UTC (rev 20908)
@@ -637,7 +637,7 @@
This view is fully syncronized with the canvas of
<emphasis><property>Smooks Configuration
- This means that when you change selected element by click,the properties of a new
element are immmediatly displayed in it.
+ This means that when you change selected element by click,the properties of a new
element are immediatly displayed in it.
Using <emphasis><property>Properties
View</property></emphasis> you can edit all the properties of the selected
@@ -648,6 +648,82 @@
+ <section>
+ <title>Decode Configuration</title>
+ <para>Smooks tools support decode parameter configuration through the
Decode tab in <emphasis>
+ <property>Properties View</property></emphasis>
+ activated by clicking the connection between input model and bean items.
+ <para>On the picture below you can see an example of decode configurations
+ for mapping some Input Model Item to Date format:</para>
+ <figure>
+ <title>Decode Configuration tab in Properties View</title>
+ <mediaobject>
+ <imageobject>
+ <imagedata fileref="images/reference/reference_14.png"
+ </imageobject>
+ </mediaobject>
+ </figure>
+ <table>
+ <title>Decode Configuration tab in Properties View</title>
+ <tgroup cols="3">
+ <colspec colnum="1" align="left"
+ <colspec colnum="2" align="left"
+ <colspec colnum="3" align="left"
+ <thead>
+ <row>
+ <entry>Option</entry>
+ <entry>Description</entry>
+ </row>
+ </thead>
+ <tbody>
+ <row>
+ <entry>Decoder</entry>
+ <entry>Select from the dropdown list the type of decoder
you need.
+ </entry>
+ </row>
+ <row>
+ <entry>Decoder Parameters</entry>
+ <entry>For most decoders
<emphasis><property>Decoder Parametres table</property></emphasis>
is empty.
+ But some of the decoders require configuration
+ (like Data decoder on the picture above),so you should
configure them
+ by editing corresponding line in the
<property>Value</property> row.
+ For example for data decoder:
+ <itemizedlist>
<listitem><para><property>format</property> - Date format
+ <listitem><para><property>locale
country</property> - ISO Country Code.
+ Upper case two-letter code defined by ISO-3166.
+ <listitem><para><property>locale
language</property> - ISO Language Code.
+ Lower case two-letter code defined by ISO-639.
+ </itemizedlist>
+ </entry>
+ </row>
+ </tbody>
+ </tgroup>
+ </table>
+ <para>The Decoder Parameters section for EnumDecoder quite differs from
other types of decoders.
+ See the picture below:</para>
+ <figure>
+ <title>EnumDecoder in Properties View</title>
+ <mediaobject>
+ <imageobject>
+ <imagedata fileref="images/reference/reference_15.png"
+ </imageobject>
+ </mediaobject>
+ </figure>
+ <para>The Decoder Parameters section in Properties View consists of 2
+ <itemizedlist>
+ <listitem><para><property>From Data Value</property>
- The lines in this row are editable.
+ You can change them according to the names of enum types you used in input
+ </para></listitem>
+ <listitem><para><property>To Enum Value</property> -
The lines in this row are not editable.
+ Here the set of all the constants declared in mapped Enum type is
+ </itemizedlist>
+ <para>For more information about different decoder parametres read
+ Smooks Technology Documentation</ulink>.</para>
+ </section>