Author: smukhina
Date: 2008-09-30 12:36:33 -0400 (Tue, 30 Sep 2008)
New Revision: 10572
list of guides for further reading is marked with bullets
Modified: trunk/documentation/guides/GettingStartedGuide/en/modules/further_reading.xml
trunk/documentation/guides/GettingStartedGuide/en/modules/further_reading.xml 2008-09-30
16:25:48 UTC (rev 10571)
trunk/documentation/guides/GettingStartedGuide/en/modules/further_reading.xml 2008-09-30
16:36:33 UTC (rev 10572)
@@ -24,28 +24,35 @@
find out, how to create and register a custom converter, custom validator and
referenced beans
in a JSF project. </para>
+ <listitem>
<emphasis role="bold">JSF Tools Tutorial</emphasis>
<ulink url="&jsftutoriallink;">(html)</ulink>
<para> This tutorial will describe how to deal with classic/old style of JSF
development and how
to create a simple JSF application using the JBoss Developer Studio. </para>
- <para>
+ </listitem>
+ <listitem> <para>
<emphasis role="bold">Struts Tools Reference Guide</emphasis>
<ulink url="&strutsreflink;">(html)</ulink>
<para> In Struts Tools Reference Guide you will learn how to create and work with
a new struts
project. This guide also provides information about graphical editor for struts
files, tiles files, and struts validation files. </para>
+ </listitem>
<emphasis role="bold">Struts Tools Tutorial</emphasis>
<ulink url="&strutstutoriallink;">(html)</ulink>
<para> This tutorial will describe the classical style of Struts development, and
- step-by-step show you how to create a simple Struts application in JBoss Developer
+ step-by-step show you how to create a simple Struts application in JBoss Developer
<emphasis role="bold">Seam Dev Tools Reference
<ulink url="&seamlink;">(html)</ulink>
@@ -54,12 +61,16 @@
Eclipse. It tells you the necessary steps to start working with Seam Framework and
assists in a
simple Seam Project creation. Also you will learn how to create and run the CRUD
Application with Seam as well as find out what Seam Editors Features and Seam
Components are. </para>
+ </listitem>
+ <listitem>
<emphasis role="bold">Visual Web Tools Reference
<ulink url="&jsflink;">(html)</ulink>
+ </listitem>
+ <listitem>
<emphasis role="bold">JBoss Server Manager Reference
<ulink url="&aslink;">(html)</ulink>
@@ -68,7 +79,9 @@
install runtimes and servers and quickly learn how to configure, start, stop the
server and know
how deployment and archiving process. You will find out how to manage installed JBoss
via JBoss AS Perspective. You will also read how to deploy modules onto the server.
+ </listitem>
+ <listitem>
<emphasis role="bold">jBPM Tools Reference Guide</emphasis>
<ulink url="&jbpmlink;">(html)</ulink>
@@ -77,7 +90,9 @@
learning and know how you can speed your development using special editors and visual
We'll also guide you through the steps on how to create a simple process and
test it
within jBPM jPDL perspective.</para>
+ </listitem>
+ <listitem>
<emphasis role="bold">Hibernate Tools Reference
<ulink url="&hibernatelink;">(html)</ulink>
@@ -87,32 +102,42 @@
configuration file as well as a file for controlling reverse engineering by using
wizards that Hibernate tooling provides. Also you will know about Code Generation
peculiarities of work within Hibernate Console Perspective.</para>
+ </listitem>
- <para>
+ <listitem>
+ <para>
<emphasis role="bold">ESB Editor Reference Guide</emphasis>
<ulink url="&esblink;">(html)</ulink>
<para>This guide provides you with the information on ESB Editor which allows you
to develop ESB
- file.</para>
+ file.</para>
+ </listitem>
+ <listitem>
<emphasis role="bold">JBoss Portal Tools Reference
<ulink url="&jbossportallink;">(html)</ulink>
<para>The guide gives a detail look at how you can easily build a Portlet Web
Application with
JBoss Tools and deploy it onto JBoss Portal.</para>
- <para>
+ </listitem>
+ <listitem>
+ <para>
<emphasis role="bold">JBoss WS User Guide</emphasis>
<ulink url="&wslink;">(html)</ulink>
<para>This guide gives you practical help on JBossWS usage.</para>
+ </listitem>
+ <listitem>
<emphasis role="bold">Exadel Studio Migration Guide</emphasis>
<ulink url="&migrationlink;">(html)</ulink>
<para>This document is intended to help you to migrate an existing Exadel JSF or
Struts projects
from Exadel Studio into JBoss Developer Studio. </para>
+ </listitem>