Re: Maven JDocbook Plugin
by Thomas Diesler
Mark Newton wrote:
> Hi there,
> Steve Ebersole is the owner and the associated JIRA project is:
> We don't have any forums for this project on so it's probably
> best to ask Steve if there are any public communication channels available.
> cheers,
> Mark
> On 8 Sep 2008, at 12:15, Thomas Diesler wrote:
>> Hi Mark,
>> would you happen to know who owns the "Maven JDocbook Plugin" project?
>> I'm looking for public communication channles (i.e. forum) and a jira
>> project where I can file issues for that plugin.
>> cheers
>> -thomas
>> --
>> xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
>> Thomas Diesler
>> BPM Product Lead
>> JBoss, a division of Red Hat
>> xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
> Mark Newton
> Lead
> Mobile: +41 7657 47730
> Office: +41 41 728 7253
> Skype: callto://newtonmark
> Email: mark.newton(a)
Thomas Diesler
BPM Product Lead
JBoss, a division of Red Hat
16 years, 4 months
Fix Sybase issues Goldman Sachs
by Thomas Diesler
Hi Aleksandar,
not sure if you saw my comment on
Generally, the way we work with JIRA is that we assume that the assignee
will make the next progress step. If you need more input, please
assign to the appropriate person or back to me.
Thomas Diesler
BPM Product Lead
JBoss, a division of Red Hat
16 years, 4 months
Maven JDocbook Plugin
by Thomas Diesler
Hi Mark,
would you happen to know who owns the "Maven JDocbook Plugin" project?
I'm looking for public communication channles (i.e. forum) and a jira
project where I can file issues for that plugin.
Thomas Diesler
BPM Product Lead
JBoss, a division of Red Hat
16 years, 4 months
[Design of JBoss jBPM] - Changes needed in the produced distribution for jBPM 3.3.0
This topic relates to
After the Mavenization of jBPM, the layout of the distributable has changed so that the designer cannot find the necessary info anymore when the expanded distro is added as a runtime in the designer's preferences.
Assume that the jBPM location is called $JBPM_HOME. The designer then looks for the file $JBPM_HOME/src/resources/gpd/ For jPDL 3.2.3 this file contained the following information:
<jbpm-version-info name="jBPM jPDL 3.2.3"
| namespace="">
| <classpathentry path="jbpm-jpdl.jar" src="src" />
| <classpathentry path="jbpm-identity.jar" src="src" />
| <classpathentry path="lib/activation.jar" />
| <classpathentry path="lib/antlr-2.7.6.jar" />
| <classpathentry path="lib/asm.jar"/>
| <classpathentry path="lib/bsh.jar"/>
| <classpathentry path="lib/cglib.jar"/>
| <classpathentry path="lib/commons-collections.jar"/>
| <classpathentry path="lib/commons-logging.jar"/>
| <classpathentry path="lib/dom4j.jar"/>
| <classpathentry path="lib/hibernate3.jar"/>
| <classpathentry path="lib/hsqldb.jar"/>
| <classpathentry path="lib/jboss-j2ee.jar"/>
| <classpathentry path="lib/jcr-1.0.jar"/>
| <classpathentry path="lib/junit.jar"/>
| <classpathentry path="lib/log4j.jar"/>
| <classpathentry path="lib/mail.jar"/>
| <classpathentry path="lib/servlet-api.jar"/>
| <config path="config"/>
| <examples path="examples" />
| </jbpm-version-info>
This info is used by the designer for different purposes:
- when creating a new process definition the namespace attribute is used to put it in the process-definition.xml file
- when creating a new jBPM project:
* the classpath entry elements become classpath entries in the Eclipse project
* the name attribute becomes the name of the classpath container
* the GPD looks up the configuration files used in the Eclipse project based on the config element
* the GPD adds the simple process definition example to the Eclipse project that it finds by using the examples element
It would be best for now to include this information in the distribution in the way that it is expected by the GPD. The minimal approach is that the Maven build adds these artifacts in the produced distribution.
Where in the build do I start to perform these changes?
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16 years, 4 months