weird. tool tips are used in a few different places in the UI today.
did try adding a rich:toolTip to the child of the commandLink and the
graphImage, but neither seemed to work. perhaps you can try adding a
panelGroup or some other no-op contain around the commandLink, and
add the toolTip to that?
John Mazzitelli wrote:
> The drop down is fixed now.
> Anyone know how to add a tool tip to an image via JSF??? The title
> attribute doesn't work in h:graphicImage (at least it doesn't as it
> used in queue.xhtml)
> John Mazzitelli wrote:
>> I added a title attribute to the JSF image tag, which, according to
>> JSF docs is supposed to show up as tool tips (so hover over the +
>> you should have seen a "expand all" tool tip) but of course JSF
>> so it totally ignored me :) I also tried "alt" to the same no-op
>> effect.
>> ps - have you noticed that the "Show" combobox appears not to work
>> the latest revision?
>> crap! i did not notice
>> Joseph Marques wrote:
>>> the page is, in general, functioning better than it ever has.
>>> however, i didn't initial grok what the plug/minus icons were all
>>> about. after playing around with the page for a while, i got
>>> was still sort of confusing when i went back to it a
>>> couple minutes later. i think turning the plus/minus icons into
>>> "Expand All" and "Collapse All" full-text buttons
(perhaps at the
>>> top of the table) would be much more explicit and help
>>> immediately understand how to use the new features on the page.
>>> -joseph
>>> ps - have you noticed that the "Show" combobox appears not to
>>> in the latest revision?
>>> John Mazzitelli wrote:
>>>> Please read my latest comment in:
>>>> and tell me what you think (Charles, you wrote this up, so you'll
>>>> want to review at least).
>>>> This deals with the Auto Inventory Queue page (not the AD
>>>> its the "view all" page).
>>>> I checked in some code for this issue (now that the RichFaces bug
>>>> is fixed, I was able to take out a bunch of hack code).
>>>> It still doesn't work like how the issue wants, and I admit it
>>>> doesn't work how you would think it would. But (a) right now I
>>>> don't know of a way to get it to do what we want it to do, (b) in
>>>> order to do what we want it to do would require additional time
>>>> think up and code a fix and (c) fixing it would cause another
>>>> "problem" similar to the problem the issue was written up for
>>>> my jira comment for what this is.
>>>> So, I'm inclined to say leave it as-is (at least for this
>>>> if not for good) - its better than the way it was for sure, so it
>>>> is progress at least. Would like additional comments/suggestions
>>>> feel free to add comments to that JIRA with your thoughts.
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