by John Mazzitelli
I was looking at an auto-group and changed a metric schedule. it all looked like it worked, but I got the confirmation message that looked like this (see attached).
That's the first I saw that - yellow message above the root node in the left nav.
Is that on purpose? Usually, our confirmation messages are green and I've never seen messages in the left-nav (what if the messages are really long?).
I don't know - its one of those things where I don't have a better answer, but I just don't think I like the way it currently is :}
15 years, 11 months
new Administration menu bar
by John Mazzitelli
As part of the testing/fixing of the authz security stuff I did Friday, you will notice that I replaced the Administration page with the menu bar.
Everything you could have done via the admin .jsp page is now done through the Administration menu bar items. If you do not have permission to access one of the pages, you won't see it on the menu bar (i.e. rhqadmin shows all menu items, but a user with, for example, only MANAGE_SETTINGS permission, will see a subset of items in the menu bar).
(if a clever user tries to circumvent the security by typing in an explicit URL to try to go directly to an admin page that they are not permitted to see, I made sure an error gets spit)
15 years, 11 months
agent log tracking
by John Mazzitelli
FYI: I added events functionality to the agent plugin - we now have the ability for the agent to perform log tracking of its main agent.log *AND* the command-trace.log (useful for debugging agent-server comm).
Since I'm working on the events stuff, I was seeing the latest summary tab and timeline with the cool new icons.
I'm sure many people have not been looking at this stuff recently, so I wanted to show you what this looks like via screenshots. Its pretty neat.
The summary.jpg is the Summary tab's event section - notice how it tells you how many events/logs you got of the different severities (here's our "bug-badged" event icon - I like it :)
The timeline.jpg shows you the new events icons with the badging (you'll see INFO, WARN and DEBUG badging).
In addition, you see the cool new "plugin configuration change successful" icon here too - each time you see it was a time when I updated the plugin configuration (this was me changing the settings for the event logging).
Just thought people might be interested in seeing this. I might blog on this stuff.
15 years, 11 months
HEADS UP: Sigar library change
by Heiko W.Rupp
yesterday we have upgraded the sigar version in Jopr and RHQ to 1.6
Please make sure after an update, that there is no sigar-1.5* version
in agent/lib,
but only the 1.6 one
If you have both, remove the 1.5 one and restart the agent afterwards.
Please report all issues wrt, Sigar (gathering of system metrics,
discovery of
Reg. Adresse: Red Hat GmbH, Otto-Hahn-Strasse 20, 85609 Dornach bei
Handelsregister: Amtsgericht Muenchen HRB 153243
Geschaeftsfuehrer: Brendan Lane, Charlie Peters, Michael Cunningham,
Werner Knoblich
16 years
no need to maintain separate copies of brandable .properties
by John Mazzitelli
I fixed that long outstanding problem in the build system where we need separate, yet identical, copies of brand-able .properties files ( being one of them).
RHQ is the only place where they exist now. No need to remember to go update files in the other downstream projects.
16 years
oracle 11g
by John Mazzitelli
heiko and I finished the oracle 11g stuff. This is obviously experimental, but the community has been asking for this (I think we had a customer too).
But, what this means is you need to add something to your and settings.xml.
See /etc/settings.xml in svn and search for "hibernate.dialect" and you'll see what has to be added and where (this is required to both create your container's as well as be able to run the tests against Oracle 11g).
Also, "hibernate.dialect" needs to be added to too.
See for more
16 years
Virus Found in message "Mail System Error - Returned Mail"
by Bounced mail
Symantec AntiVirus found a virus in an attachment from "Bounced mail" <postmaster(a)>.
Attachment: attachment.scr
Risk: W32.Sality.U
Action taken: Delete succeeded
File status: Deleted
The original message was received at Mon, 9 Mar 2009 15:27:09 +0530
----- The following addresses had permanent fatal errors -----
----- Transcript of the session follows -----
.... while talking to host
550 5.1.2 <jopr-dev(a)>... Host unknown (Name server: host not found)
16 years
[Rhq-commits] [ rhq] [3295] RHQ-1599 Provide the displayName as description if no explicit description is given in the plugin descriptor.
by John Mazzitelli
[this belongs on jopr-dev mailing list - spawning thread there]
If that's the result of this checkin, then I agree with Ian. Having the display name shown twice provides no additional value. Plus, if we see <No Description Available>, its an easy trigger for us to see and make us think, "hey, I should go into the plugin descriptor and add a description for this" and go do it - that has already happened to me once and I added a description for one that was missing.
If I see text other than <No Description Avail> or a blank, I won't know if the description really was set or if it wasn't set and this is just the default.
----- Original Message -----
From: "Ian Springer" <ian.springer(a)>
Sent: Thursday, March 5, 2009 10:09:25 AM GMT -05:00 US/Canada Eastern
Subject: [Fwd: [Rhq-commits] [ rhq] [3295] RHQ-1599 Provide the displayName as description if no explicit description is given in the plugin descriptor.]
I don't think I agree with this change. If there's no description, I
think it should be left so, so the GUI can display either nothing or
"<No Description Available>". With this change, the GUI will end up
displaying the display name twice, which provides no added value. It
also obscures the fact that no description is defined for that metric.
-------- Original Message --------
Subject: [Rhq-commits] [ rhq] [3295] RHQ-1599 Provide
the displayName as description if no explicit description is given in
the plugin descriptor.
Date: 5 Mar 2009 13:23:20 -0000
From: hrupp(a)
To: rhq-commits(a)
2009-03-05 07:23:20 -0600 (Thu, 05 Mar 2009)
Log Message
RHQ-1599 Provide the displayName as description if no explicit description is given in the plugin descriptor.
Modified Paths
* rhq/trunk/modules/core/client-api/src/main/java/org/rhq/core/clientapi/agent/metadata/
(3294 => 3295)
--- rhq/trunk/modules/core/client-api/src/main/java/org/rhq/core/clientapi/agent/metadata/ 2009-03-05 10:34:57 UTC (rev 3294)
+++ rhq/trunk/modules/core/client-api/src/main/java/org/rhq/core/clientapi/agent/metadata/ 2009-03-05 13:23:20 UTC (rev 3295)
@@ -111,12 +111,16 @@
dataType), dataType, NumericType.valueOf(metricDescriptor.getMeasurementType().toUpperCase()),
metricDescriptor.isDefaultOn(), collectionInterval, displayType);
- definition.setDescription(metricDescriptor.getDescription());
if (metricDescriptor.getDisplayName() != null) {
} else {
+ if (metricDescriptor.getDescription() != null) {
+ definition.setDescription(metricDescriptor.getDescription());
+ } else {
+ definition.setDescription(definition.getDisplayName() );
+ }
16 years