Author: abelevich
Date: 2009-10-20 08:14:05 -0400 (Tue, 20 Oct 2009)
New Revision: 15730
leave renderer specific html code in the SimpleDataTable, move common dataTables renderer
code to AbstractDataTableRenderer
(rev 0)
root/ui-sandbox/trunk/components/tables/ui/src/main/java/org/richfaces/renderkit/ 2009-10-20
12:14:05 UTC (rev 15730)
@@ -0,0 +1,120 @@
+package org.richfaces.renderkit;
+import java.util.Iterator;
+import javax.faces.application.ResourceDependencies;
+import javax.faces.application.ResourceDependency;
+import javax.faces.component.UIColumn;
+import javax.faces.component.UIComponent;
+import javax.faces.context.FacesContext;
+import org.richfaces.component.Column;
+import org.richfaces.component.Row;
+import org.richfaces.component.UIDataTable;
+ @ResourceDependency(library = "javax.faces", name = "jsf.js"),
+ @ResourceDependency(name = "jquery.js"),
+ @ResourceDependency(name = "richfaces.js")
+public abstract class AbstractTableRenderer extends AbstractRowsRenderer {
+ public abstract void encodeTBody (FacesContext context, UIDataTable table) throws
+ public boolean isColumnFacetPresent(UIDataTable table, String facetName) {
+ Iterator<UIColumn> columns = table.columns();
+ boolean result = false;
+ while(columns.hasNext() && !result) {
+ UIColumn component =;
+ result = (component.isRendered() && null != component.getFacet(facetName));
+ }
+ return result;
+ }
+ /**
+ * Returns true if specified attribute (when present on the column)
+ * should generate header even if it is not specified on the table
+ * @param table - rendered UIDataTable
+ * @param attributeName - attribute name
+ * @return true if specified attribute should generate header on the table
+ */
+ public boolean isHeaderFactoryColumnAttributePresent(UIDataTable table,String
attributeName) {
+ Iterator<UIColumn> columns = table.columns();
+ boolean result = false;
+ while (columns.hasNext() && !result) {
+ UIColumn component =;
+ result = (component.isRendered() && (null !=
+ }
+ return result;
+ }
+ protected boolean isEncodeHeaders(UIDataTable table) {
+ return isColumnFacetPresent(table, "header") ||
+ isHeaderFactoryColumnAttributePresent(table, "sortBy") ||
+ isHeaderFactoryColumnAttributePresent(table, "comparator") ||
+ isHeaderFactoryColumnAttributePresent(table, "filterBy");
+ }
+ protected int getColumnsCount(UIDataTable table) {
+ // check for exact value in component
+ Integer span = (Integer) table.getAttributes().get("columns");
+ int count = (null != span && span.intValue() != Integer.MIN_VALUE) ?
+ span.intValue() : calculateRowColumns(table.columns());
+ return count;
+ }
+ protected int calculateRowColumns(Iterator<UIColumn> col) {
+ int count = 0;
+ int currentLength = 0;
+ while (col.hasNext()) {
+ UIComponent component = (UIComponent);
+ if (component.isRendered()) {
+ if (component instanceof Row) {
+ // Store max calculated value of previsous rows.
+ if (currentLength > count) {
+ count = currentLength;
+ }
+ // Calculate number of columns in row.
+ currentLength = calculateRowColumns(((Row) component).columns());
+ // Store max calculated value
+ if (currentLength > count) {
+ count = currentLength;
+ }
+ currentLength = 0;
+ } else if (component instanceof Column) {
+ Column column = (Column) component;
+ // For new row, save length of previsous.
+ if (column.isBreakBefore()) {
+ if (currentLength > count) {
+ count = currentLength;
+ }
+ currentLength = 0;
+ }
+ Integer colspan = (Integer) component.getAttributes().get("colspan");
+ // Append colspan of this column
+ if (null != colspan && colspan.intValue() != Integer.MIN_VALUE) {
+ currentLength += colspan.intValue();
+ } else {
+ currentLength++;
+ }
+ } else if (component instanceof UIColumn) {
+ // UIColumn always have colspan == 1.
+ currentLength++;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ if (currentLength > count) {
+ count = currentLength;
+ }
+ return count;
+ }
+ @Override
+ public void encodeChildren(FacesContext context, UIComponent component) throws
IOException {
+ encodeTBody(context, (UIDataTable) component);
+ }
root/ui-sandbox/trunk/components/tables/ui/src/main/java/org/richfaces/renderkit/ 2009-10-20
12:11:09 UTC (rev 15729)
root/ui-sandbox/trunk/components/tables/ui/src/main/java/org/richfaces/renderkit/ 2009-10-20
12:14:05 UTC (rev 15730)
@@ -16,14 +16,39 @@
import org.richfaces.component.UIDataTable;
- @ResourceDependency(library = "javax.faces", name = "jsf.js"),
- @ResourceDependency(name = "jquery.js"),
- @ResourceDependency(name = "richfaces.js"),
@ResourceDependency(name = "simple-datatable.js"),
- @ResourceDependency(name = "table.css")
+ @ResourceDependency(name = "simple-table.css")
+public abstract class SimpleDataTableRendererBase extends AbstractTableRenderer {
+ public static String [] CELL_ATTRIBUTES = {
+ "abbr" , "align" , "axis" , "bgcolor" ,
"char" , "charoff" , "colspan" , "dir" ,
+ "headers" , "height" , "lang" , "nowrap" ,
"onclick" , "ondblclick" , "onkeydown" ,
+ "onkeypress" , "onkeyup" , "onmousedown" ,
"onmousemove" , "onmouseout" , "onmouseover" ,
+ "onmouseup" , "rowspan" , "scope" , "style"
, "title" , "valign" , "width" , "xml:lang" };
+ @Override
+ public void encodeCell(FacesContext context, UIComponent component) throws IOException
+ ResponseWriter writer = context.getResponseWriter();
+ java.lang.String clientId = component.getClientId(context);
+ String styleClasses = cellStyleClass(context, component);
+ boolean isHeader = styleClasses.contains("header");
+ String element = isHeader ? HTML.th_ELEM : HTML.td_ELEM;
+ writer.startElement(element, component);
+ getUtils().writeAttribute(writer, "class",styleClasses);
+ getUtils().writeAttribute(writer, "id", clientId );
+ getUtils().encodeAttributesFromArray(context,component,CELL_ATTRIBUTES);
+ renderChildren(context, component);
-public abstract class SimpleDataTableRendererBase extends AbstractRowsRenderer {
+ writer.endElement(element);
+ }
public void encodeTableStructure(FacesContext context, UIDataTable table) throws
@@ -36,7 +61,9 @@
// Encode colgroup definition.
ResponseWriter writer = context.getResponseWriter();
writer.startElement("colgroup", table);
int columns = getColumnsCount(table);
writer.writeAttribute("span", String.valueOf(columns), null);
String columnsWidth = (String) table.getAttributes().get("columnsWidth");
@@ -57,112 +84,42 @@
- protected boolean isColumnRendered(UIComponent component) {
- try {
- return component.isRendered();
- } catch(Exception e){
- // DO nothing, rendered binded to row variable;
+ public void encodeCaption(FacesContext context, UIDataTable table) throws IOException {
+ UIComponent caption = table.getCaption();
+ if (caption == null) {
+ return;
- return true;
- }
- public boolean isColumnFacetPresent(UIDataTable table, String facetName) {
- Iterator<UIComponent> columns = table.columns();
- boolean result = false;
- while(columns.hasNext() && !result) {
- UIComponent component =;
- if(isColumnRendered(component)){
- if(null != component.getFacet(facetName)){
- result = true;
- }
- }
- }
- return result;
- }
- protected boolean isEncodeHeaders(UIDataTable table) {
- return isColumnFacetPresent(table, "header") ||
- isHeaderFactoryColumnAttributePresent(table, "sortBy") ||
- isHeaderFactoryColumnAttributePresent(table, "comparator") ||
- isHeaderFactoryColumnAttributePresent(table, "filterBy");
- }
- /**
- * Returns true if specified attribute (when present on the column)
- * should generate header even if it is not specified on the table
- * @param table - rendered UIDataTable
- * @param attributeName - attribute name
- * @return true if specified attribute should generate header on the table
- */
- public boolean isHeaderFactoryColumnAttributePresent(UIDataTable table,
- String attributeName) {
- Iterator<UIComponent> columns = table.columns();
- boolean result = false;
- while (columns.hasNext() && !result) {
- UIComponent column =;
- if (isColumnRendered(column)) {
- if (null != column.getValueExpression(attributeName)) {
- result = true;
- }
- }
- }
- return result;
- }
- protected void encodeHeaderFacets(FacesContext context, ResponseWriter writer,
Iterator<UIComponent> headers,
- String skinCellClass, String headerClass, String facetName, String element, int
colCount) throws IOException {
- int t_colCount = 0;
- HeaderEncodeStrategy richEncodeStrategy = new RichHeaderEncodeStrategy();
- HeaderEncodeStrategy simpleEncodeStrategy = new SimpleHeaderEncodeStrategy();
+ ResponseWriter writer = context.getResponseWriter();
+ writer.startElement("caption", table);
- while (headers.hasNext()) {
- UIComponent column = (UIComponent);
- if (!isColumnRendered(column)) {
- continue;
- }
- Integer colspan = (Integer) column.getAttributes().get("colspan");
- if (colspan != null && colspan.intValue() > 0) {
- t_colCount += colspan.intValue();
- } else {
- t_colCount++;
- }
- if (t_colCount > colCount) {
- break;
- }
- String classAttribute = facetName + "Class";
- String columnHeaderClass = (String) column.getAttributes().get(classAttribute);
- writer.startElement(element, column);
- encodeStyleClass(writer, null, skinCellClass, headerClass, columnHeaderClass);
- writer.writeAttribute("scope", "col", null);
- getUtils().encodeAttribute(context, column, "colspan");
- boolean sortableColumn = column.getValueExpression("comparator") != null
- || column.getValueExpression("sortBy") != null;
- HeaderEncodeStrategy strategy = (column instanceof org.richfaces.component.UIColumn
- && "header".equals(facetName)) ? richEncodeStrategy :
- strategy.encodeBegin(context, writer, column, facetName, sortableColumn);
- UIComponent facet = column.getFacet(facetName);
- if (facet != null && isColumnRendered(facet)) {
- renderChild(context, facet);
- }
- strategy.encodeEnd(context, writer, column, facetName, sortableColumn);
- writer.endElement(element);
+ String captionClass = (String) table.getAttributes().get("captionClass");
+ captionClass = captionClass != null ? "rich-table-caption " + captionClass
: "rich-table-caption";
+ writer.writeAttribute("class", captionClass, "captionClass");
+ String captionStyle = (String)
+ if (captionStyle != null) {
+ writer.writeAttribute("style", captionStyle, "captionStyle");
+ renderChild(context, caption);
+ writer.endElement("caption");
+ @Override
+ public void doProcess(FacesContext facesContext, TableHolder holder) throws IOException
+ UIDataTable table = holder.getTable();
+ ResponseWriter writer = facesContext.getResponseWriter();
+ writer.startElement(HTML.TR_ELEMENT, table);
+ encodeOneRow(facesContext, holder);
+ writer.endElement(HTML.TR_ELEMENT);
+ }
public void encodeHeader(FacesContext context, UIDataTable table, int columns) throws
IOException {
UIComponent header = table.getHeader();
boolean isEncodeHeaders = isEncodeHeaders(table);
@@ -172,6 +129,7 @@
writer.startElement("thead", table);
writer.writeAttribute(HTML.class_ATTRIBUTE, "rich-table-thead", null);
String headerClass = (String) table.getAttributes().get("headerClass");
if (header != null) {
encodeTableHeaderFacet(context, columns, writer, header,
@@ -186,13 +144,14 @@
encodeHeaderFacets(context, writer, table.columns(),
"rich-table-subheadercell", headerClass, "header", "th",
public void encodeFooter(FacesContext context, UIDataTable table, int columns) throws
IOException {
ResponseWriter writer = context.getResponseWriter();
- Iterator<UIComponent> tableColumns = table.columns();
+ Iterator<UIColumn> tableColumns = table.columns();
UIComponent footer = table.getFooter();
boolean columnFacetPresent = isColumnFacetPresent(table,"footer");
@@ -219,70 +178,87 @@
- protected int getColumnsCount(UIDataTable table) {
- int count = 0;
- // check for exact value in component
- Integer span = (Integer) table.getAttributes().get("columns");
- if (null != span && span.intValue() != Integer.MIN_VALUE) {
- count = span.intValue();
- } else {
- // calculate max html columns count for all columns/rows children.
- Iterator<UIComponent> col = table.columns();
- count = calculateRowColumns(col);
- }
- return count;
- }
- protected int calculateRowColumns(Iterator<UIComponent> col) {
- int count = 0;
- int currentLength = 0;
- while (col.hasNext()) {
- UIComponent component = (UIComponent);
- if (component.isRendered()) {
- if (component instanceof Row) {
- // Store max calculated value of previsous rows.
- if (currentLength > count) {
- count = currentLength;
- }
- // Calculate number of columns in row.
- currentLength = calculateRowColumns(((Row) component).columns());
- // Store max calculated value
- if (currentLength > count) {
- count = currentLength;
- }
- currentLength = 0;
- } else if (component instanceof Column) {
- Column column = (Column) component;
- // For new row, save length of previsous.
- if (column.isBreakBefore()) {
- if (currentLength > count) {
- count = currentLength;
- }
- currentLength = 0;
- }
- Integer colspan = (Integer) component.getAttributes().get("colspan");
- // Append colspan of this column
- if (null != colspan && colspan.intValue() != Integer.MIN_VALUE) {
- currentLength += colspan.intValue();
- } else {
- currentLength++;
- }
- } else if (component instanceof UIColumn) {
- // UIColumn always have colspan == 1.
- currentLength++;
- }
+ protected void encodeTableHeaderFacet(FacesContext context, int columns, ResponseWriter
writer, UIComponent footer, String skinFirstRowClass, String skinRowClass, String
skinCellClass, String footerClass, String element) throws IOException {
+ boolean isColgroup = footer instanceof Row;
+ if (!isColgroup) {
+ writer.startElement("tr", footer);
+ encodeStyleClass(writer, null, skinFirstRowClass, footerClass, null);
+ writer.startElement(element, footer);
+ encodeStyleClass(writer, null, skinCellClass, footerClass, null);
+ if (columns > 0) {
+ writer.writeAttribute("colspan", String.valueOf(columns), null);
+ writer.writeAttribute("scope", "colgroup", null);
- if (currentLength > count) {
- count = currentLength;
+ encodeCellChildren(context, footer, skinFirstRowClass, skinRowClass,
+ footerClass, skinCellClass, null);
+ if (!isColgroup) {
+ writer.endElement(element);
+ writer.endElement("tr");
- return count;
- @Override
- public void encodeChildren(FacesContext context, UIComponent component) throws
IOException {
- encodeTBody(context, (UIDataTable) component);
+ protected void encodeHeaderFacets(FacesContext context, ResponseWriter writer,
Iterator<UIColumn> headers,
+ String skinCellClass, String headerClass, String facetName, String element, int
colCount) throws IOException {
+ int t_colCount = 0;
+ // HeaderEncodeStrategy richEncodeStrategy = new
+ // RichHeaderEncodeStrategy();
+ // HeaderEncodeStrategy simpleEncodeStrategy = new
+ // SimpleHeaderEncodeStrategy();
+ while (headers.hasNext()) {
+ UIColumn column = (UIColumn);
+ if (!column.isRendered()) {
+ continue;
+ }
+ Integer colspan = (Integer) column.getAttributes().get("colspan");
+ if (colspan != null && colspan.intValue() > 0) {
+ t_colCount += colspan.intValue();
+ } else {
+ t_colCount++;
+ }
+ if (t_colCount > colCount) {
+ break;
+ }
+ String classAttribute = facetName + "Class";
+ String columnHeaderClass = (String) column.getAttributes().get(classAttribute);
+ writer.startElement(element, column);
+ encodeStyleClass(writer, null, skinCellClass, headerClass,columnHeaderClass);
+ writer.writeAttribute("scope", "col", null);
+ getUtils().encodeAttribute(context, column, "colspan");
+ // boolean sortableColumn = column.getValueExpression("comparator")
+ // != null
+ // || column.getValueExpression("sortBy") != null;
+ // HeaderEncodeStrategy strategy = (column instanceof
+ // org.richfaces.component.UIColumn
+ // && "header".equals(facetName)) ? richEncodeStrategy :
+ // simpleEncodeStrategy;
+ //
+ // strategy.encodeBegin(context, writer, column, facetName,
+ // sortableColumn);
+ UIComponent facet = column.getFacet(facetName);
+ if (facet != null && facet.isRendered()) {
+ renderChild(context, facet);
+ }
+ // strategy.encodeEnd(context, writer, column, facetName,
+ // sortableColumn);
+ writer.endElement(element);
+ }
public void encodeTBody (FacesContext context, UIDataTable table) throws IOException {
@@ -294,92 +270,117 @@
+ protected String getRowSkinClasses(boolean firstColumn) {
+ String rowSkinClass = getRowSkinClass();
+ if (firstColumn) {
+ String firstRowSkinClass = getFirstRowSkinClass();
+ if (firstRowSkinClass != null && firstRowSkinClass.length() != 0) {
+ rowSkinClass = (rowSkinClass != null && rowSkinClass.trim().length() != 0) ?
+ rowSkinClass + " " + firstRowSkinClass : firstRowSkinClass;
+ }
+ }
+ return rowSkinClass;
+ }
public void encodeOneRow(FacesContext context, TableHolder holder) throws IOException {
- UIDataTable table = (UIDataTable) holder.getTable();
- ResponseWriter writer = context.getResponseWriter();
- Iterator<UIComponent> iter = table.columns();
boolean firstColumn = true;
boolean firstRow = (holder.getRowCounter() == 0);
int currentColumn = 0;
UIComponent column = null;
+ ResponseWriter writer = context.getResponseWriter();
+ UIDataTable table = (UIDataTable) holder.getTable();
+ Iterator<UIColumn> iter = table.columns();
while (iter.hasNext()) {
- column = (UIComponent);
+ column =;
+ boolean isRow = (column instanceof Row);
// Start new row for first column - expect a case of the detail
// table, wich will be insert own row.
- if (firstColumn && !(column instanceof Row)) {
- String rowSkinClass = getRowSkinClass();
- if (firstRow) {
- String firstRowSkinClass = getFirstRowSkinClass();
- if (firstRowSkinClass != null && firstRowSkinClass.length() != 0) {
- if (rowSkinClass != null && rowSkinClass.length() != 0) {
- rowSkinClass += " " + firstRowSkinClass;
- } else {
- rowSkinClass = firstRowSkinClass;
- }
- }
- }
+ if (firstColumn && (!isRow)) {
+ String rowSkinClass = getRowSkinClasses(true);
encodeRowStart(context, rowSkinClass, holder.getRowClass(), table, writer);
if (column instanceof Column) {
- boolean breakBefore = ((Column) column).isBreakBefore()
- || column instanceof Row;
- if (breakBefore && !firstColumn) {
- // close current row
- writer.endElement(HTML.TR_ELEMENT);
- // reset columns counter.
- currentColumn = 0;
- // Start new row, expect a case of the detail table, wich
- // will be insert own row.
- if (!(column instanceof Row)) {
- holder.nextRow();
- encodeRowStart(context, holder.getRowClass(), table, writer);
- }
- }
+ currentColumn = encodeRichColumn(context, writer, holder, column, currentColumn,
firstColumn, firstRow, isRow, iter.hasNext());
- encodeCellChildren(context, column,
- firstRow ? getFirstRowSkinClass() : null,
- getRowSkinClass(), holder.getRowClass(),
- getCellSkinClass(), holder.getColumnClass(currentColumn));
- // renderChild(context, column);
- if ((column instanceof Row) && iter.hasNext()) {
- // Start new row for remained columns.
- holder.nextRow();
- encodeRowStart(context, holder.getRowClass(), table, writer);
- // reset columns counter.
- currentColumn = -1;
- }
} else if (column.isRendered()) {
- // UIColumn don't have own renderer
- writer.startElement(HTML.td_ELEM, table);
- getUtils().encodeId(context, column);
- String columnClass = holder.getColumnClass(currentColumn);
- encodeStyleClass(writer, null, getCellSkinClass(), null, columnClass);
- // TODO - encode column attributes.
- renderChildren(context, column);
- writer.endElement(HTML.td_ELEM);
+ currentColumn = encodeColumn(context, writer, column, currentColumn, holder);
firstColumn = false;
// Close row if then is open.
if (!firstColumn && !(column instanceof Row)) {
- protected void encodeRowStart(FacesContext context, String rowClass, UIDataTable table,
ResponseWriter writer) throws IOException {
- encodeRowStart(context, getRowSkinClass(), rowClass, table, writer);
+ protected int encodeRichColumn(FacesContext context, ResponseWriter writer,
+ TableHolder holder, UIComponent column, int currentColumn,
+ boolean firstColumn, boolean firstRow, boolean isRow,
+ boolean hasNext) throws IOException {
+ UIDataTable table = holder.getTable();
+ boolean breakBefore = ((Column) column).isBreakBefore() || isRow;
+ if (breakBefore && !firstColumn) {
+ // close current row
+ writer.endElement(HTML.TR_ELEMENT);
+ // reset columns counter.
+ currentColumn = 0;
+ // Start new row, expect a case of the detail table, wich
+ // will be insert own row.
+ if (!isRow) {
+ holder.nextRow();
+ encodeRowStart(context, getRowSkinClass(),
+ holder.getRowClass(), table, writer);
+ }
+ }
+ String firstRowSkinClass = firstRow ? getFirstRowSkinClass() : null;
+ encodeCellChildren(context, column, firstRowSkinClass,
+ getRowSkinClass(), holder.getRowClass(), getCellSkinClass(),
+ holder.getColumnClass(currentColumn));
+ // renderChild(context, column);
+ if (isRow && hasNext) {
+ // Start new row for remained columns.
+ holder.nextRow();
+ encodeRowStart(context, getRowSkinClass(), holder.getRowClass(),
+ table, writer);
+ // reset columns counter.
+ currentColumn = -1;
+ }
+ return currentColumn;
+ protected int encodeColumn(FacesContext context, ResponseWriter writer,
+ UIComponent column, int currentColumn, TableHolder holder)
+ throws IOException {
+ // UIColumn don't have own renderer
+ UIDataTable table = holder.getTable();
+ writer.startElement(HTML.td_ELEM, table);
+ getUtils().encodeId(context, column);
+ String columnClass = holder.getColumnClass(currentColumn);
+ encodeStyleClass(writer, null, getCellSkinClass(), null, columnClass);
+ // TODO - encode column attributes.
+ renderChildren(context, column);
+ writer.endElement(HTML.td_ELEM);
+ return currentColumn;
+ }
* @return
@@ -407,18 +408,7 @@
encodeRowEvents(context, table);
-// private void encodeRowStart(ResponseWriter writer, UIColumn column) throws IOException
-// writer.startElement(HTML.td_ELEM, column);
-// }
-// private void encodeRowEnd(ResponseWriter writer, UIColumn column) throws IOException
-// writer.endElement(HTML.td_ELEM);
-// }
-// private void encodeRow(FacesContext facesContext, ResponseWriter writer, UIColumn
column) throws IOException {
-// renderChildren(facesContext, column);
-// }
protected class SimpleHeaderEncodeStrategy implements HeaderEncodeStrategy {
public void encodeBegin(FacesContext context, ResponseWriter writer,
@@ -449,5 +439,5 @@