Author: vkorluzhenko
Date: 2007-10-24 11:42:43 -0400 (Wed, 24 Oct 2007)
New Revision: 3506
Log: - added description for attributes
Modified: trunk/docs/userguide/en/src/main/docbook/modules/RFCarchitectover.xml
--- trunk/docs/userguide/en/src/main/docbook/modules/RFCarchitectover.xml 2007-10-24
13:40:52 UTC (rev 3505)
+++ trunk/docs/userguide/en/src/main/docbook/modules/RFCarchitectover.xml 2007-10-24
15:42:43 UTC (rev 3506)
@@ -215,10 +215,10 @@
<section id="AjaxRequestOptimization">
- <?dbhtml filename="AjaxRequestOptimization"?>
+ <?dbhtml filename="AjaxRequestOptimization.html"?>
<title>Ajax Request Optimization</title>
<section id="Re-Rendering">
- <?dbhtml filename="Re-Rendering"?>
+ <?dbhtml filename="Re-Rendering.html"?>
<para>Ajax attributes are common for Ajax components such as <emphasis
@@ -312,7 +312,8 @@
update a page, because the place for update is unknown. You need to point to
one of the
parent components that has no <emphasis>
- </emphasis> attribute. As an alternative, you can wrap the component with
<emphasis role="bold">
+ </emphasis> attribute. As an alternative, you can wrap the component with
+ role="bold">
@@ -339,13 +340,243 @@
<property>"ajaxRendered" </property>
- </emphasis> attribute. limitToList =
<property>"false"</property> means
- to update only the area(s) that mentioned in the
- <emphasis/>"reRender"<property/> attribute
explicitly. All output panels
- with ajaxRendered=<property>"true"</property>
will be ignored.</para>
+ </emphasis> attribute. "limitToList" =
+ <property>"false"</property> means to update
only the area(s) that
+ mentioned in the <emphasis/>"reRender"<property/>
attribute explicitly.
+ All output panels with
will be
+ ignored.</para>
+ <section id="QueueandTrafficFloodProtection">
+ <?dbhtml filename="QueueandTrafficFloodProtection.html"?>
+ <title>Queue and Traffic Flood Protection</title>
+ <para><emphasis>
+ <property>"eventsQueue"</property>
+ </emphasis> attribute defines the name of the queue that will be used to
order upcoming
+ Ajax requests. By default, RichFaces does not queue Ajax requests. If events
are produced
+ simultaneously, they will come to the server simultaneously. JSF
+ (especially, the very first ones) does not guaranty that the request that comes
first will
+ be served or passed into the JSF lifecycle first. The order how the server side
data will
+ be modified in case of simultaneous request might be unpredictable. Usage of
+ attribute allows to avoid possible mess. Define the queue name explicitly, if
you expect
+ intensive Ajax traffic in your application.</para>
+ <para>The next request posted in the same queue will wait until the previos
one is not
+ processed and Ajax Response is returned back if the <emphasis>
+ <property>"eventsQueue"</property>
+ </emphasis> attribute is defined. In addition, Richfaces starts to remove
from the queue
+ "similar" requests. "Similar'"requests
are the
+ requests produced by the same event. For example, according to the following
code, only
+ the newest request will be sent to the server if a user types very fast and has
typed the
+ several characters already before the previous Ajax Response is
+ <programlisting role="XML"><![CDATA[...
+ <h:inputText value="#{}">
+ <a4j:support event="onkeyup" eventsQueue="foo"
reRender="bar" />
+ </h:inputText>
+ <para><emphasis>
+ <property>"requestDelay"</property>
+ </emphasis> attribute defines the time (in ms) that the request will be
wait in the queue
+ before it is ready to send. When the delay time is over, the request will be
sent to the
+ server or removed if the newest "similar" request is in a
queue already
+ .</para>
+ <para><emphasis>
+ <property>"ignoreDupResponses"</property>
+ </emphasis> attribute orders to ignore the Ajax Response produced by the
request if the
+ newest "similar" request is in a queue already.
+ does not cancel the request while it is processed on the server, but just
allows to avoid
+ unnecessary updates on the client side if the response loses the
+ <para>Defining the <emphasis>
+ <property>"eventsQueue"</property>
+ </emphasis> along with <emphasis>
+ <property>"requestDelay"</property>
+ </emphasis> allows to protect against unnecessary traffic flood and
synchronizes Ajax
+ requests order. If you have several sources of Ajax requests, you can define
the same
+ queue name there. This might be very helpful if you have Ajax components that
+ request asynchronously from the ones produced by events from users. For
example, <emphasis
+ role="bold">
+ <property><a4j:poll></property>
+ </emphasis> or <emphasis role="bold">
+ <property><a4j:push></property>
+ </emphasis>. In case the requests from such components modify the same
data, the
+ synchronization might be very helpful.</para>
+ <para>More information can be found on the <ulink
+ >RichFaces Users Forum</ulink>.</para>
+ </section>
+ <section id="DataProcessingOptions">
+ <?dbhtml filename="DataProcessingOptions.html"?>
+ <title>Data Processing Options</title>
+ <para>RichFaces uses form based approach for Ajax request sending. This
means each time,
+ when a user click an Ajax button or <emphasis role="bold">
+ <property><a4j:poll></property>
+ </emphasis> produces an asynchronous request, the data from the closest
JSF form is
+ submitted with the XMLHTTPRequest object. The form data contains the values
from the form
+ input element and auxiliary information such as state saving
+ <para>When <emphasis>
+ <property>"ajaxSingle"</property>
+ </emphasis> attribute value is
<property>"true"</property>, it orders to
+ include only a value of the current component (along with <emphasis
+ <property><f:param></property>
+ </emphasis> or <emphasis role="bold">
+ <property><a4j:action></property>
+ </emphasis> param values if any) to the request map. In case of
<emphasis role="bold">
+ <property>a4j:support</property>
+ </emphasis>, it will be a value of the parent component.</para>
+ <para>Note, that
reduces the
+ upcoming traffic, but does not prevent decoding other input components on the
server side.
+ Some JSF components, such as <emphasis role="bold">
+ <property><h:selectOneMenu></property>
+ </emphasis> do recognize the missing data in the request map value as a
null value and try
+ to pass the validation process with a failed result. Thus, use <emphasis
+ <property><a4j:region></property>
+ </emphasis> to limit a part of the component tree that will be processed
on the server
+ side when it is required.</para>
+ <para><emphasis>
+ <property>"immediate"</property>
+ </emphasis> attribute has the same purpose as any other non-JSF
component. The default <emphasis>
+ <property>"ActionListener"</property>
+ </emphasis> should be executed immediately (i.e. during the Apply Request
Values phase of
+ a request processing lifecycle), rather than waiting until the Invoke
Application phase.
+ Using immediate=<property>"true"</property> is
one of the ways to have
+ some data model values updated when other cannot be updated because of a
problem with
+ passing the Validation phase successfully. This might be important inside the
+ role="bold">
+ <property><h:dataTable></property>
+ </emphasis> like components where using <emphasis
+ <property><a4j:region></property>
+ </emphasis> is impossible due to the <emphasis
+ <property><h:dataTable></property>
+ </emphasis> component architecture.</para>
+ <para><emphasis>
+ <property>"bypassUpdates"</property>
+ </emphasis> attribute allows to bypass the Update Model phase. It might
be useful if you
+ need to check user input against the available validator, but not to update the
model with
+ those data. Note, that an action will be invoked at the end of the Validation
phase only
+ if the Validation phase is passed successfully. The listeners of the
Application phase
+ will not be invoked in any case.</para>
+ </section>
+ <section id="ActionandNavigation">
+ <?dbhtml filename="ActionandNavigation.html"?>
+ <title>Action and Navigation</title>
+ <para>Ajax component is similar to any other non-Ajax JSF component like
+ role="bold">
+ <property><h:commandButton></property>
+ </emphasis>. It allows to submit the form. You can use <emphasis>
+ <property>"action"</property>
+ </emphasis> and <emphasis>
+ <property>"actionListener"</property>
+ </emphasis> attribute to invoke the action method and define the action
+ <para><emphasis>
+ <property>"action"</property>
+ </emphasis> method must return null if you want to have an Ajax Response
with a partual
+ page update. This is regular mode called "Ajax request generates Ajax
Response". In case
+ of action does not return null, but the action outcome that matches one of
+ rules, RichFaces starts to work in "Ajax request generates Non-Ajax
Response" mode. This
+ mode might be helpful in two major cases:</para>
+ <itemizedlist>
+ <listitem>RichFaces allows to organize a page flow inside the
<emphasis role="bold">
+ <property><a4j:include></property>
+ </emphasis> component. This is a typical scenario for Wizard like
behavior. The new
+ content is rendered inside the <emphasis role="bold">
+ <property><a4j:include></property>
+ </emphasis> area. The content is taken from the navigation rule of the
+ configuration file (usually, the faces-config.xml). Note, that the content of
+ "wizard" is not isolated from the rest of the page. The included
page should not have
+ own <emphasis role="bold">
+ <property><f:view></property>
+ </emphasis> (it does not matter if you use facelets). You need to have
an Ajax component
+ inside the <emphasis role="bold">
+ <property><a4j:include></property>
+ </emphasis> to navigate between the wizard pages. Otherwize, the whole
page update will
+ be performed.</listitem>
+ <listitem>If you want to involve the server side validators and navigate
to the next page
+ only if the Validation phase is passed successfully, you can replace
+ role="bold">
+ <property><h:commandButton></property>
+ </emphasis> with <emphasis role="bold">
+ <property><a4j:commandButton></property>
+ </emphasis> and point to the action method that navigates to the next
page. If
+ Validation process fails, the partial page update will occur and a user will
see an
+ error message. Otherwize, the application proceeds to the next page. Make
sure, you
+ define <redirect/> option for the navigation rule to avoid
+ leaks.</listitem>
+ </itemizedlist>
+ </section>
+ <section id="JavascriptInteractions">
+ <?dbhtml filename="JavascriptInteractions.html"?>
+ <title>JavaScript Interactions</title>
+ <para>RichFaces allows writing Ajax-enabled JSF application without writing
any Javascript
+ code. However, you can still invoke the javascript code if you need. There are
+ ajax attributes that helps to do it.</para>
+ <para><emphasis>
+ <property>"onsubmit"</property>
+ </emphasis> attribute allows to invoke JavaScript code before an Ajax
request is sent. If <emphasis>
+ <property>"onsubmit"</property>
+ </emphasis> returns
<property>"false"</property>, the Ajax request is
+ canceled. The code of <emphasis>
+ <property>"onsubmit"</property>
+ </emphasis> is inserted before the RichFaces Ajax call. Hence, the
+ <property>"onsubmit"</property>
+ </emphasis> should not has a "return" statement if you
want the Ajax
+ request to be sent. If you are going to invoke a JavaScript function that
+ <property>"true"</property> or
+ <property>"false"</property>, use the conditional
statement to return
+ something only when you need to cancel the request. For example: </para>
+ <programlisting role="XML"><![CDATA[...
+ onsubmit="if (mynosendfunct()==false){return false}"
+ <para><emphasis>
+ <property>"onclick"</property>
+ </emphasis> attribute is similar to the <emphasis>
+ <property>"onsubmit"</property>
+ </emphasis>, but for clickable components such as <emphasis
+ <property><a4j:commandLink></property>
+ </emphasis> and <emphasis role="bold">
+ <property><a4j:commandButton></property>
+ </emphasis>. If it returns
<property>"false"</property>, the Ajax
+ request is canceled also.</para>
+ <para><emphasis>
+ <property>"oncomplete"</property>
+ </emphasis> attribute allows to invoke the JavaScript code right after
the Ajax Response
+ is returned back and the DOM tree of the browser is updated. Richfaces
registers the code
+ for further invocation of XMLHTTP request object before an Ajax request is
sent. This
+ means the code will not be changed during processing of the request on the
server if you
+ use JSF EL value binding. Also, you cannot use "this'"
inside the code,
+ because it will not point the component where Ajax request was
+ <para><emphasis>
+ <property>"data"</property>
+ </emphasis> attribute allows to get the additional data from the server
during an Ajax
+ call. You can use JSF EL to point the property of the managed bean and its
value will be
+ serialized in JSON format and be available on the client side. You can refer to
it using
+ the <emphasis>
+ <property>"data"</property>
+ </emphasis> variable. For example:</para>
+ <programlisting role="XML"><![CDATA[...
+ <a4j:commandButton value="Update" data="#{}"
oncomplete="showTheName(" />
+ <para>Richfaces allows to serialize not only primitive types into JSON
format, but also
+ complex types including arrays and collections. The beans should be
serializable to be
+ refered with <emphasis>
+ <property>"data"</property>
+ </emphasis>.</para>
+ </section>
<section id="DecideWhatToSend">