[jbossseam-issues] [JBoss JIRA] Created: (JBSEAM-3688) IllegalStateException: No active event context with s:graphicImage and a call to "window.print()" function in IE
by Denis Forveille (JIRA)
IllegalStateException: No active event context with s:graphicImage and a call to "window.print()" function in IE
Key: JBSEAM-3688
URL: https://jira.jboss.org/jira/browse/JBSEAM-3688
Project: Seam
Issue Type: Bug
Components: JSF Controls
Affects Versions: 2.1.0.SP1, 2.0.2.SP1
Reporter: Denis Forveille
We have a page with an "s:graphicImage" tag like this <s:graphicImage value="#{materielDetailVueCtrl.form.image}" />
On the page there is a button that performs a call to "javascript:window.print();"
When used in firefox, everything works fine.
With IE 6, when we use this button, we receive a "No active event context" exception (See attached traceback)
In FF everything works fine because, I think, the image is cached by default
In IE 6, the image is not cached.
Besides the exception, one solution would be to add the possibility to add a parameter to the s:graphicImage tag that will add a header in the response send for the mage to the browser
For now we've hard-coded the following in org.jboss.seam.ui.graphicImage.GraphicImageResource :
That make IE 6 happy...
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16 years, 4 months
[jbossseam-issues] [JBoss JIRA] Created: (JBSEAM-3686) seam-gen does not handle wire correctly on edit for creation
by Valerie Griffin (JIRA)
seam-gen does not handle wire correctly on edit for creation
Key: JBSEAM-3686
URL: https://jira.jboss.org/jira/browse/JBSEAM-3686
Project: Seam
Issue Type: Bug
Components: Tools
Affects Versions: 2.1.0.GA
Environment: Hibernate, Richfaces
Reporter: Valerie Griffin
I've got a seam-gen'd project with quite a few foreign keys. Some of the foreign keys are used to create composite primary keys. The related entities are, quite appropriately, used in the generated ...Home.isWired method as:
public boolean isWired() {
if (getInstance().getSsoApplication() == null)
return false;
return true;
The ...Edit.xhtml code includes a save button appropriate for new entries:
<h:commandButton id="save"
It is valid for the save button to be enabled only when the underlying component has been wired, but the generated xhtml does not actually cause anything to become wired! It includes:
<s:decorate id="appNameField" template="layout/edit.xhtml">
<ui:define name="label">App name</ui:define>
<h:inputText id="appName"
<a:support event="onblur" reRender="appNameField" bypassUpdates="true" ajaxSingle="true"/>
The a:support property reRender needs to include ",save" to force the button to decide whether or not it needs to be enabled. The bypassUpdates property needs to be "false" (yay forced updates!) to force the update that isWired checks.
I don't know for certain that this is enough to fix the problem because i changed my actual code to use a dropdown (h:selectOneMenu with s:selectItems and s:convertEntity) connected to the instance. To make that work, I added code to update id.appName in the entity's setSsoApplication method.
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16 years, 4 months
[jbossseam-issues] [JBoss JIRA] Created: (JBSEAM-2704) Performance during iteration (datatable, repeat) in the UI with value bindings that run through interceptors
by Siarhei Dudzin (JIRA)
Performance during iteration (datatable, repeat) in the UI with value bindings that run through interceptors
Key: JBSEAM-2704
URL: http://jira.jboss.com/jira/browse/JBSEAM-2704
Project: JBoss Seam
Issue Type: Bug
Components: Performance and Scalability
Affects Versions: 2.0.1.GA, 2.0.0.GA
Environment: Seam 2.0.0, 2.0.1
Reporter: Siarhei Dudzin
"Since we don't cache this, a particular backing bean might be called hundreds or thousands of times during rendering of a datatable, if a value binding has to be evaluated for each row. If the backing bean is a Seam component, injection of dependencies will occur for every call, involving potentially thousands of map lookups."
There is a discussion thread with a bit more data: http://www.seamframework.org/Community/SeamPerformanceOptimization
The issue is also recognized at the seamframework.org site itself: http://www.seamframework.org/Documentation/TuningTheSeamWebsite#H-Iterati...
Since the issue it known, this JIRA report is created for better traceability.
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16 years, 4 months
[jbossseam-issues] [JBoss JIRA] Created: (JBSEAM-3682) empty data for date type throws exception in JXLHelper.createCell
by Ted Jenkins (JIRA)
empty data for date type throws exception in JXLHelper.createCell
Key: JBSEAM-3682
URL: https://jira.jboss.org/jira/browse/JBSEAM-3682
Project: Seam
Issue Type: Bug
Components: Excel
Affects Versions: 2.1.0.GA
Reporter: Ted Jenkins
If data type is missing/empty string, and it is cellType date, a String exception will be thrown. I'm thinking it should probably just fail gracefully, like so:
case date:
if(null == data || data.equals("")) {
return new Label(column, row, data.toString(), cellFormat);
} else {
return new DateTime(column, row, (Date) data, cellFormat);
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16 years, 4 months
[jbossseam-issues] [JBoss JIRA] Created: (JBSEAM-2562) 'Transaction failed' JSF message when number of restriction in EntityQuery changes
by Siarhei Dudzin (JIRA)
'Transaction failed' JSF message when number of restriction in EntityQuery changes
Key: JBSEAM-2562
URL: http://jira.jboss.com/jira/browse/JBSEAM-2562
Project: JBoss Seam
Issue Type: Bug
Components: Framework
Affects Versions: 2.0.1.GA
Environment: JBoss AS 4.2.2, Windows XP
Reporter: Siarhei Dudzin
When getRestrictions() from EntityQuerry returns dynamic list with restrictions a JSF error message 'Transaction failed' is shown (no exceptions just a message). I noticed this happens when the size of the list is decreased in comparison with the previous request (There is also a warning in the logs).
While this JSF message is shown the query still works!
After some debugging I've found that the underlying error is that a value binding could not be found. A temprorarily workaround is to keep the restriction list constant by filling the 'gaps' with placeholders like #{true}=true (just to keep the size constant).
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16 years, 4 months
[jbossseam-issues] [JBoss JIRA] Created: (JBSEAM-2881) Conversation Switcher doesn't work with natural conversations
by Caleb Land (JIRA)
Conversation Switcher doesn't work with natural conversations
Key: JBSEAM-2881
URL: http://jira.jboss.com/jira/browse/JBSEAM-2881
Project: Seam
Issue Type: Bug
Components: JSF Controls, JSF Integration
Affects Versions: 2.0.2.CR1
Environment: Seam 2.0.2.CR1, Mac OS X 10.5, Java 1.5.0_13
Reporter: Caleb Land
The Switcher component's (org.jboss.seam.faces.Switcher) switch() method does not work correctly when using natural conversations.
The issue is related to line 102 (in trunk and in 2.0.2.CR1) where seam tests whether the selected item is an outcome or a conversation id:
boolean isOutcome = conversationIdOrOutcome==null || !Character.isDigit( conversationIdOrOutcome.charAt(0) );
The problem is that with natural conversations, the value of conversationIdOrOutcome is something like "accountEdit:4" so the switcher thinks it's a view.
I copied the code from the Switcher and created a new component and replaced that line with:
boolean isOutcome = conversationIdOrOutcome==null ||
(!Character.isDigit(conversationIdOrOutcome.charAt(0)) && conversationIdOrOutcome.indexOf(':') < 0);
and it works correctly. Of course this approach is naive, but it seems to work for me.
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16 years, 4 months