Marek Novotny updated JBSEAM-5075:
Comment: was deleted
(was: Graph attached. I'll continue on investigation of mentioned issues. )
Improve Seam2.3 performance
Key: JBSEAM-5075
Project: Seam 2
Issue Type: Enhancement
Components: Performance and Scalability
Affects Versions: 2.3.0.Final
Environment: AS 7.1.3.Final (EAP 6.0.1)
Reporter: Tomas Remes
I've run several performance (especially load) tests comparing Seam2.3 to Seam2.2. I
am using modified numberguess example running on AS 7.1.3.Final (EAP 6.0.1). Major
difference between those two versions is that Seam2.2 uses JSF-1.2
(Mojarra-1.2_15-b01-FCS) and Seam2.3 uses JSF-2.1 (Mojarra 2.1.13-jbossorg-1). The tests
shows significantly worse results of Seam2.3 release especially in response time values.
Literally Seam2.3 reaches only about 50% of response time values in comparison to Seam2.2
version. In other words that is two times worse. Profiling shows following points, which
can be IMHO improved:
1) Implementation of SeamVieHandler's restoreView method. This method currently
allocates approximately 10x times more memory than related one from Seam2.2 (it uses
FaceletViewHandler.restoreView). Removing (returning to Seam2.2 implementation) following
lines from this method can bring performance improvement (I've already tried that):
UIViewRoot viewRoot =viewHandler.restoreView(ctx, viewId);
if (viewRoot != null)
2) Implementation of Contexts.isPageContextActive method. This also shows some regression
when comparing memory allocation to related methods -
ConversationPropagation.restoreConversationId and Manager.restoreConversation. IMHO this
can be reimplemented somehow too.
3) Implementation of StatusMessages.instance() method. This also brings small regression
in memory allocation.
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