Marek Novotny updated JBSEAM-4654:
Fix Version/s: 2.3.0.BETA1
s:selectItems noSelectionLabel does not generate option value
Key: JBSEAM-4654
Project: Seam 2
Issue Type: Bug
Components: Core
Affects Versions: 2.2.1.CR1
Environment: JBoss 6 M3
Reporter: Andrew Wheeler
Fix For: 2.3.0.BETA1
When a selectOneMenu has no items other than the no selection option it does not render
the option value as org.jboss.seam.ui.NoSelectionConverter.noSelectionValue. In this case
the there are no values in person.images.
<h:selectOneMenu id="portrait" value="#{person.portrait}">
<s:selectItems value="#{person.images}" var="i"
label="#{i.annotation}" hideNoSelectionLabel="false"
noSelectionLabel="Select a portrait..."/>
This renders:
<select id="person:portraitDecoration:portrait"
name="person:portraitDecoration:portrait" size="1"> <option
selected="selected">Select a portrait...</option>
The result is that any form submit causes a java.lang.NumberFormatException with message:
"For input string: "Select a portrait...""
I have debugged a little and I can see that the converter is not firing when rendering
the page. It does however fire for other selectOneMenu items on the page that have one or
more items.
A similar and perhaps related issue is referenced in the JBoss Forum.
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