Sueleyman Vurucu updated SEAMJMS-68:
Forum Reference:
Flexible Route definition
Project: Seam JMS
Issue Type: Feature Request
Components: Event Bridging
Affects Versions: 3.1.0.Final
Reporter: Sueleyman Vurucu
Hi guys,
first of all thanks for this work.
I define a Route like this,
public class RouteRepository {
@Routing (RouteType.INGRESS)
public Route routeIn(RouteManager routeManager){
return routeManager.createInboundRoute(TelegramEvent.class).addQualifiers(new
AnnotationLiteral<QIncomming>() {
}).connectTo(Topic.class, RouteHelper.getTopic(JMSRepositorsy.DummyTopicRCV));
@Routing (RouteType.INGRESS)
public Route routeIn100(RouteManager routeManager){
return routeManager.createInboundRoute(TelegramEvent100.class).addQualifiers(new
AnnotationLiteral<QIncomming100>() {
}).connectTo(Topic.class, RouteHelper.getTopic(JMSRepositorsy.DummyTopicRCV));
@Routing (RouteType.INGRESS)
public Route routeIn1001(RouteManager routeManager){
return routeManager.createInboundRoute(TelegramEvent1001.class).addQualifiers(new
AnnotationLiteral<QIncomming1001>() {
}).connectTo(Topic.class, RouteHelper.getTopic(JMSRepositorsy.DummyTopicRCV));
@Routing (RouteType.EGRESS)
public Route routeOut( RouteManager routeManager){
return routeManager.createOutboundRoute(TelegramEvent.class).addQualifiers(new
AnnotationLiteral<QOutgoing>() {
}).connectTo(Topic.class, RouteHelper.getTopic(JMSRepositorsy.DummyTopicSND));
And this is my Obeserver side.
public void handleTelegramEvent(@Observes @QIncomming TelegramEvent event){
log.info("RECEIVE TelegramEvent "+event);
public void handleTelegramEvent(@Observes @QIncomming100 TelegramEvent100 event){
log.info("RECEIVE TelegramEvent100 "+event);
public void handleTelegramEvent(@Observes @QIncomming1001 TelegramEvent1001 event){
log.info("RECEIVE TelegramEvent1001 "+event);
The TelegramEvents are in inheritence hierachy like this:
TelegramEvent <-- TelegramEvent100 <-- TelegramEvent1001
So if I send a Message to JMS for example TelegramEvent1001 then all my observer methods
are triggered.
The reason for that is the implementation of IngressMessageListener I think. It fires
events for all qualifiers for the superclass.
So I need a possibility to change the behavior of IngressMessageListener. Unfortunally
this is not an injected field. This is also hardcoded.
Let's assume that the IngressMessageListener is a CDI bean and injected into
RouteBuilderImpl. Then I can cahnge this listener by adding my listener as an alternative,
right ??
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