Not sure if this is the correct list to be posting to, if it isn't
please advise the appropriate place. I have a web application that does
not use persistence (hibernate) as we have a non-database data source
and a custom mediation layer between that and Seam. I have a need to get
a new (or existing) instance of a named entity (or what ever:
action/controller as well) by code. The reason I am posting a request to
the mailing list is because we are using the @Install annotation and as
such I cannot instantiate the class directly because I of course want
the "installed" version.
Something like the following would be great..
package test.product;
public class Person {
package test.site;
public class Person extends test.product.Person {
And then in code somewhere use "person" to obtain a new or existing
instance of "test.site.Person" (being the installed version). Perhaps
some sort of EL resolving code?
Any ideas?
David Radunz
Senior Developer
Utiba Pty Ltd
ph: +613 9606 0444
ad: Level 6, 190 Queen St, Melbourne, VIC, 3000, Australia
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