http://jira.jboss.com/jira/browse/JBSEAM-2325?page=comments#action_12390727 ]
darren hartford commented on JBSEAM-2325:
The application is kicking off the following in the logs:
[Contexts] starting up: org.jboss.seam.security.identity
[Contexts] starting up: org.jboss.seam.web.session
However, I do not have an Authenticator class or associated 'authenticate' method
defined in the components.xml <security:identity...> tag, which apparently is the
missing piece. However, examples I've seen all use FacesContext, which in the
GWT/JAAS environment may not work (I haven't been able to yet).
*Is the Authenticator.authenticate class/method the only thing that is missing, and if so,
how to obtain the security from GWT/JAAS to be used within Seam as Identity.
ejb3/seam-gwt-remoting/gwt security integration
Key: JBSEAM-2325
Project: JBoss Seam
Issue Type: Task
Components: Remoting, Security
Affects Versions: 2.0.0.GA
Environment: jboss 4.2.1
seam 2.0.0.GA
Any security-domain will work with name 'SpringPoweredRealm' with a user having
'security_role' role.
Reporter: darren hartford
Assigned To: Shane Bryzak
Attachments: ejb3-gwt-security-sample.zip
Attached is a sample project showing a problem related to Seam-GWT-Remoting integration
with a GWT app, and security integration challenge.
Error is detailed in forum link, top level server-side error is
"[[/sample-ejb3-gwt-client]] Exception while dispatching incoming RPC call
org.jboss.seam.security.NotLoggedInException "
Not sure what integration method would be the best approach for secured methods for
Seam-GWT-Remoting on the server side to the GWT client side.
*Once logged into web application, use of secured method/services to succeed
automatically with appropriate roles without additional login (role based security assumed
with Seam @Restrict annotation).
*Once logged into web application, use of secured method/services to fail for
insufficient role authorization, with sufficient information to determine it was a
security failure instead of a service failure.
*Anonymous web application login with a GWT widget requesting a secured Seam Remoting
service/method would require either re-routing to web-app login page, or login to ONLY use
the requested secured Seam service/method. This could be managed with GWT code to meet
this expectation.
thanks, learning as best as I can with available documentation. Permission given under
LGPL license to use as an example in future documentation/examples.
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