Debbie Steigner commented on TEIID-3580:
I would assume so, but will wait for Vijay to confirm.
Hive 0.13.1 JDBC jars makes queries run slow
Key: TEIID-3580
Project: Teiid
Issue Type: Bug
Components: Query Engine
Affects Versions: 8.7.3
Reporter: Debbie Steigner
Assignee: Steven Hawkins
Attachments: threaddump-1437508266001.tdump
When using the JDBC jars for Hive 0.13.1 running on HDP 2.1, queries executed against
table 'default.sample_07' takes approximately 20-30 seconds to return.
The Hive JDBC jars for version 0.13.1 can be found here :
Alternatively a ready-to-go modules can be downloaded from here for testing:
Use the following driver snippet when using the above mentioned module:
<driver name="hive" module="org.apache.hadoop.hive:0.13.1">