Adding Classes at Run-time
by Jason Lee
I have an odd question. I have a situation where I'm manually opening a
JAR and adding its classes to the ClassLoader. What I'd like to be able
to do is have Weld scan these classes for any relevant annotations and
take the proper actions, just as if the JARs were in the classpath when
the application started. I've been staring at the JavaDocs (build
locally, btw, as I can't find them on the web :| ) but I don't see any
way to request that Weld inspect a given class. Is it there and I'…
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missing it? Am I going to have cobble together that functionality? Am
I asking for something that can't be done (right now)? Any nudges in
the right direction would be much appreciated. :)
Jason Lee, SCJP
President, Oklahoma City Java Users Group
Senior Java Developer, Sun Microsystems
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12 years, 9 months
Weld in central
by Pete Muir
I'm pleased to report that Weld 1.1.4 is in central. Future releases will be sync'd automatically.
Ales, can you now remove the JBoss repo from the runtime POMs (we will still need it in the test modules in order to get the JBoss AS Arquillian connector, ALR is working on getting this to central). If you then build with -Dmaven.repo.local=/some/tmp/path we can start to establish what deps are missing from …
[View More]central and get them sync'd as well. If you send me a report of missing deps from JBoss projects, I can work with Joel @ Sonatype to get them synced.
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13 years, 3 months
by Ales Justin
WELD-802 is due to WeldClassImpl not being the same for same class:
clazz = {java.lang.Class@5703}"class org.jboss.weld.tests.specialization.weld802.Foo"
weldClass = {org.jboss.weld.introspector.jlr.WeldClassImpl@5687}"public@RequestScoped class org.jboss.weld.tests.specialization.weld802.Foo"
key: org.jboss.weld.introspector.jlr.WeldClassImpl = {org.jboss.weld.introspector.jlr.WeldClassImpl@5709}"public@RequestScoped class org.jboss.weld.tests.specialization.weld802.Foo"
value: org.…
[View More]jboss.weld.bean.ManagedBean = {org.jboss.weld.bean.ManagedBean@5961}"Managed Bean [class org.jboss.weld.tests.specialization.weld802.Foo] with qualifiers [@Any @Default]"
... investigating further ...
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13 years, 3 months
Glassfish 3.1.1, EJB Interceptor and WELD-000069
by Dipl.-Ing. Torsten Liermann
I would like to start with CDI on GlassFish 3.1.1. First I put a file named beans.xml in the META-INF directory of my EJB modules. With deploying that module, i will get the error
DeploymentException: WELD-000069 An interceptor must have at least one binding ...
But this interceptor is an EJB Interceptor not a Weld. The implementation of the interceptor looks like that::
public class ServerInMaintenanceModeInterceptor {
What I'm doing wrong? Or, …
[View More]what must I do, that weld ignores EJB Interceptors
Thanks for an hint.
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13 years, 3 months
Weld 2
by Pete Muir
I'm pleased to say that development on Weld 2 will start in earnest next week. Weld 2 will be implementing CDI 1.1.
Jozef Hartinger is starting part time on this. He will be doing 30hrs a week until his thesis finishes, at which point he will switch to full time. Jozef has previously worked for the JBoss QA department, and was a big contributor to the CDI 1.0 TCK. He's also been a contributor to Seam for many years. Welcome Jozef!
Jozef will send out more info, like info on the branch …
[View More]for Weld 2 on github, and get JIRA set up to report bugs against 2.0.0 next week.
With this in mind we will have a weekly IRC meeting at 2pm UK time to keep everyone up to date with the status of the development. Here's the first one I'll add you to a calendar invite if you want, just send me a note.
At this meeting we'll hear from Jozef about progress on Weld 2, and Martin Kouba, who is now leading the CDI TCK, about progress on the CDI 1.1 TCK.
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13 years, 3 months