I was working on a Oath2 plugin for cordova with the latest swift bits, but using swift
for a cordova plugin is not very user friendly. The generated project that gets downloaded
when you do a `cordova platform add ios` has to be change by opening Xcode.
Things that need to be changed by hand are the following:
* iOS Deployment target needs to be set to something higher then the 6.0 it’s now at
* Bridging-Header.h to Objective-c Bridging Header under the Swift Compiler - Code
Generation options
e.g (HelloCordova/Plugins/org.jboss.aerogear.cordova.oauth2/Bridging-Header.h)
* the following to LD_RUNPATH_SEARCH_PATHS to "$(inherited)
That is just a little to much for a user to do, and I see no way to hook this into the
cordova project / plugin configuration. The cordova team are planning to change the way
the project is created and how settings are maintained in version 4.0 I’ve created two PR
that help that effort, but these have not been merged yet.
So I propose that we don’t release the plugin, but wait on cordova to update so that
manual steps will no longer be needed, or we add a big Notice on how to install use this
Erik Jan