Hi all,
after some searches, I finally found which version of google-play-services.jar is included
inside the Cordova Push Plugin, inside src/android/libs folder.
This version comes from:
I have tested the Cordova Push Plugin (tag 0.5.0) on a Android 4.1.1 device and everything
works well, then replaced google-play-services.jar inside the src/android/libs folder with
the latest version of it, taken from:
and that worked also without problems.
I would ask if someone can make this test on more old devices as I do not have any (so
using the latest version of google-play-services.jar inside the Cordova Push Plugin on
devices prior to 4.1.1). If that works I would suggest to replace the old library inside
the plugin with the latest one distributed by Google's SDK, what do you think about