On 01/08/2014 09:42 AM, Tadeas Kriz wrote:
On 08 Jan 2014, at 15:30, Summers Pittman <supittma(a)redhat.com
<mailto:supittma@redhat.com>> wrote:
> On 01/08/2014 05:51 AM, Tadeas Kriz wrote:
>> Hey everyone,
>> I've been recently going through the DataManager API in
>> aerogear-android. In this email, I'd like to suggest addiction of
>> two method (or possibly three) into the `Store<T>` interface. These
>> would be:
>> ```java
>> /**
>> * If store is open, it can be read or written to.
>> */
>> boolean isOpen();
>> /**
>> * Opens store in current thread (blocking).
>> */
>> Store<T> open();
>> /**
>> * Opens store in background thread and then callback#onSuccess is
>> called.
>> */
>> void open(Callback<Store<T>> callback);
>> ```
> I think those are fine. Feel free to JIRA it up and Passos and I will
> review.
>>> From my point of view, this makes sense to be in the `Store<T>` so
>>> I can switch between stores easily during development with no need
>>> to change other code. Also, if `read` or `write` operations are
>>> done with closed store, there are two possible workflows. First one
>>> is, that I'd fail and throw an exception. Second (and for me a
>>> preferred one) is, that all those methods would internally check if
>>> the store is open and if not, they'd call the `open` method. This
>>> also leads me to another API change for `Store<T>`.
>> ```java
>> /**
>> * Reads all the data from the underlying storage system asynchronously.
>> */
>> void readAll(Callback<Collection<T>> callback);
>> /**
>> * Reads a specific object/record from the underlying storage system
>> asynchronously.
>> */
>> void read(Serializable id, Callback<T> callback);
>> /**
>> * Search for objects/records from the underlying storage system
>> asynchronously.
>> */
>> void readWithFilter(ReadFilter filter, Callback<List<T>> callback);
>> /**
>> * Saves the given object in the underlying storage system
>> asynchronously.
>> */
>> void save(T item, Callback<Void> callback);
>> /**
>> * Resets the entire storage system asynchronously.
>> */
>> void reset(Callback<Void> callback);
>> /**
>> * Removes a specific object/record from the underlying storage
>> system asynchronously.
>> */
>> void remove(Serializable id, Callback<Void> callback);
>> /**
>> * Checks if the storage system contains no stored elements
>> asynchronously.
>> */
>> void isEmpty(Callback<Boolean> callback);
>> ```
>> That's right, async methods for easy access to the storage from
>> background thread, without the pain of writing it myself (for
>> example, it makes no sense if I want to just call `store.save(..)`
>> and I'd have to write all the `AsyncTask` boilerplate).
>> So, what do you think?
> I would rather throw an exception than open a database when you call
> read and friends. That way a developer doesn't accidentally open a
> database he meant to be closed. I don't have that strong of a feeling on
> that point one way or another however.
That's right, it's probably less error prone in scenarios when you
want the store closed.
> My stronger feeling is on adding callbacks to the stores methods. I
> prefer for the Store to be synchronous and Pipes to be asynchronous. We
> could add a StorePipe to our PypeTipes which may solve some of the
> headache.
Would "void open(Callback<Store<T>> callback);" make sense then? I
mean, that would add another inconsistency in the API, as one method
would be async and the rest would be only synchronous, wouldn't it?
True. The
reason for the exception here was that opening a SQL store or
an encrypted store COULD take significant amount of time. For in Memory
data stores this is instant of course.
> Passos, wdyt?
>> PS: You can find the whole text with highlighted syntax here:
>> ---
>> Tadeas Kriz
>> tkriz(a)redhat.com <mailto:tkriz@redhat.com>
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