[planing] AeroGear Mobile Push 1.0.0 release
by Matthias Wessendorf
Hello folks!
This summer we will release the AeroGear Mobile Push 1.0.0 to the
community. This 'logical' release will contain a few items (that are all on
their own versioning):
- UnifiedPush Server
- including Keycloak integration
- including statistics around Push messages sent out
- Client SDKs (for Android, Cordova and iOS)
- Examples/Quickstarts
- Simple HelloWorld examples (for Android, Cordova and iOS)
- more advanced Quickstart (different server integration options
(E.g. JAvaEE and Spring) + Clients for Android, Cordova and iOS)
- Openshift Cartridge
- Documentation
To track these items, I have created a JIRA label "MobilePush-1.0", see
[1]. For new JIRAs that are relevant for this initial community release,
please use that label so that tracking of the items is much easier ;-)
I will update the existing roadmap (yes, the 1.0.0 is already in there)
based on current changes and delay's
[1] https://issues.jboss.org/issues/?jql=labels%20%3D%20MobilePush-1.0
Matthias Wessendorf
blog: http://matthiaswessendorf.wordpress.com/
sessions: http://www.slideshare.net/mwessendorf
twitter: http://twitter.com/mwessendorf
10 years, 7 months
AS/WF Modules location - proposing change
by Karel Piwko
I've come across this document -
It explains how WF/EAP (since EAP 6.1.0) modules are organized.
Based on document, I believe we should change our tutorials and ask users to
install modules to:
That would keep base clean, allowing easier update of underlying container
and also it will let us use the patching mechanism for our code, e.g:
Thoughts? Note, add-on names were randomly generated.
10 years, 7 months
SimplePush Server 0.11.0
by Daniel Bevenius
Hi all,
just wanted to give a heads up that I've rescheduled the release of
SimplePush 0.11.0 [1]. There are only two task remaining, but I'll be
working on other things for a while which is the reason for there not being
The main task of interest I think is [2], which allows notifications to be
done without a version in the body of the HTTP request. This I believe will
simplify the admin ui and perhaps other areas. If you'd like to see an
earlier release then let me know and I'll get it done. As of now though,
I've set the release date to May 6.
[2] https://issues.jboss.org/browse/AGSMPLPUSH-54
10 years, 7 months
paging installations new console
by Erik Jan de Wit
Hi all,
As we are working on implementing the new visual design for the console we ran into something. Right now when you fetch a PushApplication from the rest service everything is eager fetched including all variants for that application but also all installations for all these variants.
Now in the old console these installations where only used to list the number of installations on the ‘application details’ page next to the variant, for the new console I’ve introduced a count ‘call’ to do the same so we no longer need this eager fetch.
This count query is a bit hard as we have separated the association of the variants per type so in order to have a count of the number of installations we have to do x queries where ( x is the number of device types)
"select v.variantID, count(*) from PushApplication pa join pa.androidVariants v join v.installations i "
+ "where pushApplicationID = :pushApplicationID and i.enabled = true "
+ "group by v.variantID";
This query will give the total number of installations for each variant, but only for android. So what I would like to suggest it to simplify the data model and only have a relation with variants instead of one per type this will also make the data model more extendable (when a new device type is introduced the data model doesn’t have to change). If grouping of these variants is needed clients will need to do it themselves.
Erik Jan
10 years, 7 months
AeroGear Parent and Misc released
by Bruno Oliveira
Ahoy peeps, AeroGear parent and misc were release on Nexus. Now is just
the matter of wait for Maven Central synchronization.
10 years, 7 months
EmpireJS - day 1
by Lucas Holmquist
Monday and Tuesday i had the pleasure of going to EmpireJS in NYC. It was my first "pure" Javascript conference( previous conf's were a mix of languages ).
Overall it was really cool. Some talks were better than others( as with most conferences ). The videos are also up for on youtube.
I'm going to break this up into 2 emails, one for Day 1 and the other for Day 2
Day 1
Sorting Algorithms in Javascript
by Jenn Schiffer of California Style Sheets Fame
youtube link: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uRyqlhjXYQI
This was actually a pretty cool talk. She went over the fact that ECMAScript doesn't actually have a stable sorting spec.
She went over 3 difference sorting algorithms,
Insertion Sort( stable, small amounts of data ),
Bubble Sort( never use this one ),
Merge Sort( fast and stable, for large data sets - DO NOT USE IN THE BROWSER )
and were to best use them.
awesome visualization of how sorts work
Anatomy of a Successful Module
by Trevor Landau - of isJS fame
youtube link: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BNnRpiHxESc
basically just an overview of how to get your module in the eyes and hands of the people( npm, node/javascript weekly, etc... ), nothing about actually creating a good module.
The Final Frontier
by Domenic Denicola
youtube link: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XzRBgj1AJYA
This was a cool talk, talking about how we need to start thinking about the future and need to "level up" the web.
he went into this like offline, and about the ServiceWorker spec that is being worked on by FF/Chrome
also talked about User Experience and the need for responsiveness and System integration
Also talk about the Developer Experience and how we need better base primitives( webcrypto, promises )
BeagleBone Black: The versatile JS underdog
by Kassandra Perch
youtube link: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OXWBaDsmvys
Another cool talk. The BeagleBone Black is hardware, similar to the rasberry pi but has node pre installed and you can ssh into( no need for a separate monitor ).
She talk about how she know nothing about electronics but can still do cool stuff with it. i believe the sdk is a wrapper on top of the johnny-five library
she had a cool demo, showing LED's. it inspired me to buy one after the talk.
Exploiting a Pocket Universe
by Drew Petersen
youtube link: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=p1dINlm1W9M
basically talking about games and using web workers to offload some tasks to help with Frames Per Second
The Road to Web Components
by Tom Dale, i think he is one of the guys that wrote Angular
youtube link: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yLyyXHhSl8w
This was a cool talk. He was talking about Web Components and what they are and What they are not.
Basically web components give us the ability to create our own html tags, but shouldn't be used to place the whole application architecture, sort of what polymer might be trying to do.
They are useful because they can be resusable and isolated and could possible help us bridge eco-systems( angular/ember apps )
Went on to show Ember Components - how to use web components today
Backbone.Marionette and RequireJS
by Daniel Cousineau
youtube link: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4K4JKtAGPu4
The no build system build system
by Peter Müller
youtube link: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=N_gRlmmF4Rc
talking abouthttps://github.com/assetgraph/assetgraph
Front-end Style Guides and Greenfields
by Mark Wunsch
youtube link: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JQHAQ_ckrXk
these are my exact notes: "no fucking idea what this talk was suppose to be about"
Gadgets for Holistic Web Detection
by Eric Shepherd
youtube link: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VpqPpbw_gns
talking about the different ways of detections for web apps
resolution detection - bad performance
device detection - difficult across the different stacks
feature detection - sort of good, sort of not
but we need all 3
for resolution we should be designing for the smallest width
and designers should be adding breakpoints in the designs as well as providing templates for all the different sizes
also nesting of CSS is an anti-pattern
Lesser Known Debugging Techniques
by Amjad Masad
youtube link: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rcjUR4icvoQ
kind of a neat talk about the different tips and tricks of debugging JS.
showed a couple of non documented functions in chrome dev tools, like debug() and monitor()
also some cool debugging techniques to set break points in "getters" and "setters" of prototypes
introduced flo, http://facebook.github.io/fb-flo/ , an OSS tools from facebook
Code Memes
by David Byrd
youtube link: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ajo8ZKsdSLg
basically just talking about how we can write expressions in javascript different ways, and certain ways have become popular. And that you could create your own.
for example,
// Something like this
var name;
if( x ) {
name = x
} else {
name = "Bob"
// Is written like this
var name = x || "Bob";
10 years, 7 months