by Ivan Gürtler
I have one question about DB space usage. When we use Aerogear Unified Push
with 1 milion instalation and every day server send about 200 000 push
message, how big tablespase do we need?
*Mgr. Ivan Gürtler*
Mobile software developer
AHEAD iTec, s.r.o., Botanická 554/68a,
602 00 Brno (Czech Republic)
www.ahead-itec.com | twitter <https://www.twitter.com/AHEADiTec> | mobile
security solutions
9 years, 8 months
asciidoc vs markdown
by Erik Jan de Wit
I know we’ve talked about it before (although I’m not sure what was decided), but with the new site coming on quite nicely I would like to discuss this one more time. Right now we have markdown and asciidoc mixed, I think it would be good to choose one or the other. We can convert the documents automatically.
So what do you think,
Erik Jan
9 years, 8 months
UnifiedPush - new requirement: JMS & Java EE Full profile
by Lukáš Fryč
Hey guys,
we are working on a prototype of UPS that is leveraging JMS to send
notifications to Push Networks.
The requirement of JMS means we need to switch runtime requirement from
WildFly web profile to WildFly full profile.
i.e.: wildfly> ./bin/standalone.sh -c standalone-full.xml
https://issues.jboss.org/browse/AGPUSH-1321 - Enable JMS for notification
Essentially JMS should allow us to
* send notifications with higher confidence (per-message transaction
* allow configuration of throughput and timeout (we get it for free)
* potentially it may even allow sending notifications in parallel in more
threads or in a cluster of application servers (not an initial goal)
All of these benefits could be hardly achieved without messaging.
The feature request is elevated by AGPUSH-1320.
If you have any concerns, let us know!
~ Lukas
9 years, 8 months
by Erik Jan de Wit
I was adding otp support for windows and that started to make me wonder if
it would be nice to add HOTP as well as TOTP for instance our linotp server
uses this. The only difference between the two is that HOTP uses a counter
that is incremented and TOTP is time based. So it would be fairly easy to
implement and for instance on windows there aren't any apps that support
Erik Jan
9 years, 8 months
[Vote] UPS 1.0.3 release
by Matthias Wessendorf
we tagged for UPS 1.0.3, and I did upload the JAR files to NEXUS, but I am
not yet able to create a staging repo for that (I notified our ops team).
However, for testing the server, all we really need are the WAR files. I
have uploaded the distribution files to GH, as a pre-release:
1. We no longer support H2 database. You need MySQL/Postgres for tests.
2. The JPA provider no longer creates the DB schema for you
If you don't have MySQL installed, it's trivial to use it via Docker:
docker run --name unifiedpushDB -p 3306:3306 -e MYSQL_USER=unifiedpush
-e MYSQL_PASSWORD=unifiedpush -e MYSQL_DATABASE=unifiedpush -e
MYSQL_ROOT_PASSWORD=supersecret -d mysql
Now, once the DB is up, you need to run the migrator against the empty
database to create the schema. The migrator is included in the dist file,
and instructions are here
DB setup for EAP/WildFly works as usual, see
Once that is all done, install the WARs to your application container:
Let me know about this release, and if there are no complains by Wednesday,
I will push the bits to maven central and mark the pre-release as a real
Oh, this is most-likely the last release of the 1.0.x series
PS: I am now updating the docs, to reflect the changes and new requirements
Matthias Wessendorf
blog: http://matthiaswessendorf.wordpress.com/
sessions: http://www.slideshare.net/mwessendorf
twitter: http://twitter.com/mwessendorf
9 years, 8 months