Great! Could you please guide me in how to add this URL field to the Server Admin, so
that I can send both a message and an URL in the same Push Message?
Fra: aerogear-dev-bounces(a) [aerogear-dev-bounces(a)] på vegne
av Miguel Lemos [miguel21op(a)]
Sendt: 6. november 2014 18:19
Til: AeroGear Developer Mailing List
Emne: SPAM:Re: [aerogear-dev] Send Push message with Text and URL on iOS
No. It supports URLs. I use it. You just have to assign the corresponding string to a
given variable (parameter) that you'll pick as such when the message arrives.
Enviado do meu iPhone
No dia 06/11/2014, às 17:02, Andreas Røsdal
Hi there!
I have just installed the AeroGear UnifiedPush Server 1.0.1, and so far I'm very
impressed with it.
I have a requirement to send Push messages to an iPhone app which must contain both a text
message and an URL.
Currently only sending a text message seems to be supported.
So I wonder how I should go about trying to modify the UnifiedPush Server Admin gui so
that I can also include an URL in the Push Message. Any help with this would be greatly
Andreas R.
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