Hi Hylke,
Nice work! I like the look of the Admin UI
- Using "(Hybrid Web)" as a variant name instead of
I'd vote for changing "Hybrid Web" to just
"Web". For me the UI is pretty
clear that this is about adding/configuring Push Networks, and I would not
know what a "Hybrid Web" push network is.
On 3 June 2013 17:31, Hylke Bons <hbons(a)redhat.com> wrote:
Hey everyone,
Here's my initial version of the AeroGeer Unified Push Server Admin UI:
This work is based off of the features/usecases and lexicon described in
http://aerogear.org/docs/specs/aerogear-server-push/ and Matthias's
earlier wireframes.
- Developer can register a Push Application
- Developer can add a Mobile Variant for different operation systems
- Developer can remove a Mobile Variant
- Developer can remove Push Application
Currently Missing features (these will be added in the next iteration):
- Enroll Developer
- Remove Developer
- Developer can disable Push Notifications to selected Mobile Variant
- Developer sends *Push Notification Messages*
Potentially controversial changes:
- Using "(Hybrid Web)" as a variant name instead of "SimplePush".
Matthias and I already had a short exchange here on the mailing list about
this change, hopefully the way this is used in these wireframes will shed
some light on why I think this is a better choice.
- Checkboxes instead of a list box for variants. Since there are only a
few variant types, we don't need a full fledged list, and we can simply use
some checkboxes to toggle variants.
Let me know if you have any comments or questions!
Sources can be found in
Looking forward to your feedback,
aerogear-dev mailing list