For AEROGEAR-863 "Make PagingStrategy pluggable" the following suggestion
is being proposed:
Custom PaginationStrategy
This section describes how a custom pagination strategy can be implemented
in AeroGear Controller.
Depending on if you need a completely different strategy, or if you simply
want to change/add/rename the returned HTTP response headers, you have two
- Extend AbstractPaginationStrategy
- Implement PaginationStrategy
You would extend AbstractPaginationStrategy if you simply want to
change/add/rename the returned HTTP response headers.
of extending AbstractPaginationStrategy:
public class MyStrategy extends AbstractPaginationStrategy {
public void setResponseHeaders(PaginationMetadata md,
HttpServletResponse response,
int resultSize) {
for (Entry<String, String> entry :
md.getHeaders(resultSize).entrySet()) {
response.setHeader(entry.getKey(), entry.getValue());
This implementation actually does exactly what the default implementation
does. But you can of course modify this to suite your own requirements. You
have access to all the
the pagination, like the raw
so you could assemble headers in any way you see fit.
This will give you more control over the pagination strategy. The interface
you have to implement looks like this:
/** * A strategy for implementing pagination in AeroGear Controller.
*/public interface PaginationStrategy {
/** * Creates a PaginationInfo instance. * How this
information is gathered, be it from an Annotation on the target *
endpoint method, or by using separate request parameters is up to the
* concrete implementation. * * @param routeContext the
{@link RouteContext} of the route being processed. * @param
arguments the extracted arguments from the current request. *
@return {@link PaginationInfo} the information requred for paging.
PaginationInfo createPaginationInfo(RouteContext routeContext,
Map<String, Object> arguments);
/** * Called before the target endpoint method has been
invoked and enables a * concrete strategy to manipulate the
arguments that will be passed to * the target endpoint method.
* * @param pagingInfo the {@link PaginationInfo} instance
created by * this strategy. * @param arguments the extracted
arguments from the current request. * * @return {@code
Object[]} the arguments that will be passed to the target *
endpoint method. */
Object[] preInvocation(PaginationInfo pagingInfo, Map<String,
Object> arguments);
/** * Called after the target endpoint method has been invoked
and * allows the strategy to set HTTP Response headers. *
* @param result the result returned from the target endpoint
method. * @param routeContext the {@link RouteContext}. *
@param pagingInfo the {@link PaginationInfo} instance created by this
strategy. * * @return {@code Object} Either the unchanged
result or a modified result * depending on the underlying
implementation. */
Object postInvocation(Object result,
RouteContext routeContext,
PaginationInfo pagingInfo);
The createPaginationInfo method is called by AeroGear Controller prior to
invoking the target endpoint method. The arguments extracted from the
current request are made available to this method. The implementation can
choose whatever way it likes to match information from the request that are
related to pagination. This could be using an annotation on the target
endpoint method (which is what the default implementation does) or it could
simply pick known parameters from the request.
The preInvocation methods gives the strategy a chance to modify the actual
arguments that will be used to invoke the target endpoint method. Depending
on the concrete implementation there might not be anything to be done here
other than simply returning the value of the arguments map. But, for
example with the default strategy, an endpoint has the option to accept a
PaginationInfo type a parameter. In this case we have to add this instance
to the arguments before calling the endpoint.
The postInvocation method is called after the target endpoint method has
been invoked allows the strategy to set the HTTP Response headers. This
method has access to the results of the invocation which is can use to
decide on what links should be returned, for example one might not want to
return a previous next link header if there is no more data (the number of
items in the results is less than the limit).
the Strategy to be used
Configuration is done by adding a CDI Producer, for example:
public class PaginationStrategyProducer {
public PaginationStrategy createPagingStrategy() {
return new AbstractPaginationStrategy() {
public void setResponseHeaders(PaginationMetadata md,
HttpServletResponse response,
int resultSize) {
Set<Entry<String, String>> hds =
for (Entry<String, String> header : hds) {
response.setHeader(header.getKey(), header.getValue());