On Thu, 13 Jun 2013 11:34:28 -0300
Bruno Oliveira <bruno(a)abstractj.org> wrote:
Good morning all, today I was thinking about a problem that the other
projects might face with.
Our versioning policy is pretty straightforward
http://staging.aerogear.org/docs/reference/AeroGearVersioningPolicy/ and
to me makes sense. Here comes the problem, as you know
aerogear-security-shiro was released and would be crazy to start with
1.0.x, for this reason I started with 0.1.0. Question:
- Where 0.1.0 release should be into the roadmap?
Might be confusing if we just add 0.1.0 into the roadmap.
- How to properly file jiras?
The correct would be 0.1.0 for jiras associated with
aerogear-security-shiro, but might be very confusing for newcomers when
they start to look at our roadmap.
Speaking about jiras, in Arquillian we did version that prefix component name
[1], so in jira version would be shiro-0.1.0. That works pretty well so far in
- In the situation where you must bump the minor release, for example
aerogear-security 1.0.2. What's the appropriate approach to follow?
Create a new release on Jira and update the roadmap?
I'm asking these questions because is impossible our components have the
same version of the others with projects growth.