while evaluating the PicketLink IDM for our "storage" requirements (see
older emails), I started writing a Java EE version of the
"Push/connectivity" server:
AeroGear PushEE ->
(Dont' worry to much about the name :) )
Compared to the vert.x version it's using a more complete/richer API (real
classes, instead of a large JsonObject). Also it has slightly more of an
internal abstraction
(abstract entity base class, DAO access for all the entities, services
accessing the DAOs, RESTendpoints simply accessing the services).
Oh, also, the "iOS" variant is now supporting a _real_ upload of the
certificate (stored as Lob)
## Cloud
I tested the WAR file, on my private OpenShift Account (with the JBoss
7.1.x config there), afterwards I tested the messaging:
I could send message to my iPhone and to my Android device - so the
Openshift cloud does NOT permit connecting to Apple's APNs (and Google)
* All "beans" are JPA entities
* No IDM integration, due to the IRC suggestion to simply model the beans
as entities
==> However, since the Database for the push is a _standalone_ thing, and
there is no real user (just an optional "client identifier"), this means I
could move the "beans" and store the in IDM
Regarding IDM, please review also older threads regarding this, on the ML
Matthias Wessendorf