On Mon, Jul 08, 2013 at 07:03:07AM -0500, Kris Borchers wrote:
Do I bundle those files into AeroGear.js as part of the build when
those adapters are included or not? The reason I did not is because
they are external dependencies and I didn't want them bloating the
file size just like we do with jQuery. That said, it's obviously easy
to not realize you need those files, especially if you grab
AeroGear.js and don't intend on using the Notifier bits or just grab
it and throw it in a page and see those errors as qmx did.
Lemme turn it the other
way around: why don't we have aerogear.js being
the core bits, and aerogear-notifier.js as a separate thing?
I mean, all those dependencies should be opt-in instead of opt-out IMO