Oh, this is far from being done :-)
I just did a little POC, and since we also have two GSoC students, we have
some time to define the behavior, including UI, here on the commiunity :)
On Tue, May 16, 2017 at 3:37 PM, Jose Miguel Gallas Olmedo <
jgallaso(a)redhat.com> wrote:
Great news!!
Will this information be displayed in the UI? As a tooltip or when
extending the row in "activity log"s table.
On 16 May 2017 at 13:58, Matthias Wessendorf <matzew(a)apache.org> wrote:
> Hi,
> with the new APNs HTTP/2 APIs, and our usage of Pushy, we are able to get
> a way more finegrain knowledge if Apple did accept (for further processing)
> or reject a messages, on a per device_token level!
> For instance, if we have a push with 5000 targeted devices, we are now
> able to say that 5 tokens, for instances failed, but APNs was happy to
> accept push request for the other 4995 devices (Note: this does NOT mean
> they actually arrive at the device, just that apple accepted them for
> further processing).
> Now, this, for APNs, gives us much more flexiblity handling our metrics!
> In our code, here, we do read *each* token request from APNs in here:
> r/blob/20831d96196663349c96da6b5fe11aef65cacf59/push/sender/
> src/main/java/org/jboss/aerogear/unifiedpush/message/
> sender/apns/PushyApnsSender.java#L130-L147
> So here, we could simply send the result, on a per token base, to a
> (Kafka) topic, like:
> ...
> if (pushNotificationResponse.isAccepted()) {
> logger.trace("Push notification for '{}' (payload={})",
deviceToken, pushNotificationResponse.getPushNotification().getPayload());
> producer.send(jobID, "Success"); // sends to "push_messages"
> } else {
> final String rejectReason = pushNotificationResponse.getRejectionReason();
> logger.trace("Push Message has been rejected with reason: {}",
> producer.send(jobID, "Rejected"); // sends "push_messages"
> ...
> }
> Now, this sends all to one topic, and we could be using, somewhere, Kafka
> Stream API, to perform some processing of the source, and calculate some
> stats on that, like:
> KStreamBuilder builder = new KStreamBuilder();
> // read from the topic that contains all messages, for all jobs
> final KStream<String, String> source =
> // some simple processing, and grouping by key, applying a predicate and send to
three "analytic" topic:
> final KTable<String, Long> successCountsPerJob = source.filter((key, value)
-> value.equals("Success"))
> .groupByKey()
> .count("successMessagesPerJob");
> successCountsPerJob.to(Serdes.String(), Serdes.Long(),
> final KTable<String, Long> failCountsPerJob = source.filter((key, value) ->
> .groupByKey()
> .count("failedMessagesPerJob");
> failCountsPerJob.to(Serdes.String(), Serdes.Long(),
> source.groupByKey()
> count("totalMessagesPerJob")
> .to(Serdes.String(), Serdes.Long(), "totalMessagesPerJob");
> The above performs some functional processing of the single source of
> truth, based on different assumptions.
> If one would have a simple consumer on each of these three "analytic"
> topics, a simple logging output would be:
> 2017-05-16 13:42:48,763 INFO successMessagesPerJob: 2 - jobID: XXX
> 2017-05-16 13:42:48,764 INFO totalMessagesPerJob: 3 - jobID: XXX
> 2017-05-16 13:42:48,764 INFO failedMessagesPerJob: 1 - jobID: XXX
> since for the GSoC we do have two students, working on Kafka and HBase
> improvements for UPS, I wanted to share this quick prototype, as food for
> thoughts.
> Of course, each of these 'filtered' consumers could than eventually store
> the result somewhere else.
> With this approach, Kafka would be come the hub (or data pipeline) for
> our metrics, with stream processing and different consumers to deal with
> the results of interest
> Any comments or other thoughts?
> -Matthias
> --
> Matthias Wessendorf
> blog:
> twitter:
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