Hi All,
I am trying out the AeroGear libraries to get a sense of them. As a newbie to the
libraries, I took some notes about my first experience, and would like to share my notes
with you. Comments, directions and suggestions are most welcome.
- It's not clear if I can use the client libraries with my own server side, or if I
can use the AeroGear controller without using the client libraries. So, my initial thought
was, I definitely need the AeroGear controller to integrate my AeroGear powered client app
with my RESTful backend.
- Maybe it is because the external libraries/tools used in the documentation apps releases
new versions so fast, but getting the example app from github, running it on my machine
and then modifying the app to play with it was harder than creating a new app and using
AeroGear libs in them directly.
- iOS API Cookbook is a really nice doc to get to know about how to use AeroGear iOS API.
- It is not clear enough how the backend side should be designed to work with client
libraries, and this is problem if you start using AeroGear with client side libraries (a
mobile developer will probably start so, like I did). If an iOS developer wants to use the
library, she should go through AeroGear Controller docs to know how the server side should
be. And here "AeroGear Controller User Guide" is not enough to figure the things
out. Therefore, one needs to go through aerogear-controller-demo on github to understand
the details (e.g. after struggling with how the server side APIs should be, it turned out
that REST API itself was what i was looking for - so easy if it was stated clearly [see
general section above for why I find this difficult]).
- xCode template is a really nice start, as it makes getting the first app running quick.
But template creates a part of todo app which doesn't have authentication and
therefore the app isn't functional.
- Unlike iOS development, developing Android apps and compiling them has many different
alternatives. But as a maintainer of Android, Google puts Eclipse + ADT option in the
first place. So, I think at least there should be an option for AeroGear to use it with
Eclipse + ADT setup. Especially using community tools to build is initially harder for
newbies (e.g. I tried to get maven running on eclipse using m2eclipse, and todo app does
not compile on my eclipse while it does on terminal). Some bugs and configuration changes
in maven, maven-android, android-sdk-deployer and m2eclipse slowed down the initial steps,
i.e. it was not as quick and straightforward as AeroGear iOS API to get the first app
- Sending query parameters to server side is slightly different on iOS and Android (or
maybe I couldn't find the same way, but Android sends where clause as JSON object,
while iOS sends key-value pairs as HTTP GET query parameters). So, I needed to update my
server side (which i developed for iOS) to use it for Android (or I could build my where
clause in iOS manually).
- As AeroGear.js uses AJAX to connect to the backend, and in my case (also I believe in
most cases) as my RESTful endpoint was not residing on the same host with my app, I needed
to use jsonp data type, which requires different response format. Therefore I needed to
update my server side (again - it was designed for iOS and updated for Android).
- When I create a pipe, I specify the baseURL and my endpoint, but I needed to specify the
data type when I was actually reading from the pipe. I felt like if I know what my
endpoint returns in terms of its data and application type, then I should be able to set
data type while creating my pipe.
- Although documentation is not complete yet, AeroGear.js file is well commented (going
through the comments, it's easy to understand what and how to do).
Hybrid with Cordova:
- The documentation for converting HTML5 + REST apps to Hybrid apps uses some directory
names (e.g. "ios") which causes confusion (when I read, I got confused about
whether the directory named "ios" is what I can choose its name or it is
something Cordova or Xcode creates and so it is a required name or directory in all
- HTML5 documentation and example app employs modernizr for feature detection (mobile or
desktop) and to load appropriate libraries accordingly. However, modernizr does not load
fast in hybrid app (though hybrid app is for sure mobile, I first kept all the
implementation as it is to make it "implement once and use for all builds -HTML5, iOS
hybrid and Android hybrid-", but it didn't work). After removing modernizr from
HTML5 implementation and loading only mobile libs, it required no more effort to make
html5 app hybrid (it just did work).
I also have a question, and your answers and/or directions are appreciated in advance.
- For now, I created some simple REST API's in PHP to try the mobile side libs. What
is your recommendation of building server side (which uses existing database let's
say) if it is going to be used with AeroGear? I mean, is it OK to go with PHP to provide
REST API, and then add another layer using AeroGear controller? Or should I go with Java
implementation from the start? So, to restate and simplify: my AeroGear controller needs
to connect to an existing LDAP instance. What's the AeroGear recommended approach for
Thanks for your time to read (and respond). Cheers,
Yavuz Selim Yilmaz
SUNY at Buffalo
Computer Science and Engineering
PhD Candidate