i've started to add jsonp support to aerogear.js pipeline and i wanted to get some
feedback that i'm on the right track
i have a example project here :
those of you with yeoman installed can type "yeoman build" then "yeoman
server", you might be able to get away with just the second command.
There are 2 requests, the first using jQuery, so i had a baseline, and the second is with
a modified version of aerogear.js
pipeline.add( {
settings: {
jsonp: true,
callback: "myCallback"
} );
I think declaring it during the creation makes sense.
Being able to override the jsonpCallback would add a layer of security for when the server
defines the callback, I not sure if this should be put into a jsonpSettings:{ } or leave
it were it is
i only tested read atm, just wanted to get some feedback first