Ah, whoops :) never tested that... :)
I added a work-around for it
On Thu, Apr 25, 2013 at 9:12 PM, Lucas Holmquist <lholmqui(a)redhat.com>wrote:
i know this is just a POC but when i try to access this endpoint :
http://localhost:8080/ag-push/rest/applications after i register an app,
i get a lazy loading exception.
i suck at JPA, so it might be an easy thing
On Apr 22, 2013, at 8:44 AM, Matthias Wessendorf <matzew(a)apache.org>
On Mon, Apr 22, 2013 at 2:37 PM, Lucas Holmquist <lholmqui(a)redhat.com>wrote:
> On Apr 22, 2013, at 2:31 AM, Matthias Wessendorf <matzew(a)apache.org>
> wrote:
> Hello,
> while evaluating the PicketLink IDM for our "storage" requirements (see
> older emails), I started writing a Java EE version of the
> "Push/connectivity" server:
> AeroGear PushEE ->
> (Dont' worry to much about the name :) )
> Compared to the vert.x version it's using a more complete/richer API
> (real classes, instead of a large JsonObject). Also it has slightly more of
> an internal abstraction
> (abstract entity base class, DAO access for all the entities, services
> accessing the DAOs, RESTendpoints simply accessing the services).
> Oh, also, the "iOS" variant is now supporting a _real_ upload of the
> certificate (stored as Lob)
> ## Cloud
> I tested the WAR file, on my private OpenShift Account (with the JBoss
> 7.1.x config there), afterwards I tested the messaging:
> I could send message to my iPhone and to my Android device - so the
> Openshift cloud does NOT permit connecting to Apple's APNs (and Google)
> did you mean that you couldn't send messages to your device, or you could?
LOL :)
it DID allow me to connect - works, all good.
Delivery out of the OpenShift could works fine! :)
> Storage:
> * All "beans" are JPA entities
> * No IDM integration, due to the IRC suggestion to simply model the beans
> as entities
> ==> However, since the Database for the push is a _standalone_ thing, and
> there is no real user (just an optional "client identifier"), this means I
> could move the "beans" and store the in IDM
> Regarding IDM, please review also older threads regarding this, on the ML
> Thoughts?
> --
> Matthias Wessendorf
> blog:
> sessions:
> twitter:
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