-1 to overloading build() to also add.
Yeah. In my
implementation the factory method returns an AddAuthBuilder
which has a .add() method which builds and adds (and says so in the javadoc)
That would give no indication that a reference is kept by Pipeline
the background, and it's not something you normally expect from a
factory object, to keep references to created objects around.
On Thu, Nov 1, 2012 at 1:48 PM, Summers Pittman<supittma(a)redhat.com> wrote:
> -1 to Pipeline.add
> +1 to Pipline.pipe w/ buildAndAdd() (or overloading build to also add)
> I don't like pipeline.add(Class) because it implies that the adding is happening
then and you don't have to do more work. I like buildAndAdd or overloading the
builder Pipeline provides because it is either more explicit or more automatic
> ----- Original Message -----
> From: "Matthias Wessendorf"<matzew(a)apache.org>
> To: "AeroGear Developer Mailing List"<aerogear-dev(a)lists.jboss.org>
> Sent: Thursday, November 1, 2012 7:49:11 AM
> Subject: Re: [aerogear-dev] AEROGEAR-593 - Builder pattern isn't consistent
> On Thu, Nov 1, 2012 at 12:15 PM, Daniel Passos<daniel(a)passos.me> wrote:
>> +1 to pipeline.add(Project.class)
> One more thing.. 'pipeline.add(Type.class);' will reflect to the following
http://BASE_URL/types<<<== note the 's' for plural ....
> Fluent API:
> the combination of 'add()' and a followed/ending 'build()' makes
> in terms of a fluent API:
> - here you add something (-> pipe) that is created (build) at the end
> of the statement...
> A little note aside...
> Pipeline pipeline = new Pipeline(ROOT_URL);
> Is fine for me too:
> -pipe => indicates you create a pipe object;
> -buildAndAdd => you build the object and add it to the pipeline.
> Not sure if the 'buildAndAdd' is a bit too verbose.
> I am fine with the suggestion from Bruno
> (pipeline.add(class).build();), but wanted to share the notes on the
> pipe().buildAndAdd() as well
> -M
>> On Thu, Nov 1, 2012 at 9:03 AM, Bruno Oliveira<bruno(a)abstractj.org>
>>> Good morning everyone! Lay out your costumes from halloween and let's
>>> about this jira (
>>> Passos did a great work creating a builder for Pipes and of course we can
>>> improve it more and more, it's all about software. Currently to create a
>>> Pipe we must do it:
>>> Pipeline pipeline = new Pipeline(ROOT_URL);
>>> pipeline.pipe().name("tasks").useClass(Task.class).buildAndAdd();
>>> pipeline.pipe().name("tags").useClass(Tag.class).buildAndAdd();
>>> Chatting with Matthias we agreed that would be better 2 alternatives:
>>> Pipeline pipeline = new Pipeline(ROOT_URL);
>>> pipeline.add(Project.class).build();
>>> Doing just this implicitly means that the name of the pipe will be
>>> "Project" and if you need 'extras':
>>> Pipeline pipeline = new Pipeline(ROOT_URL);
>>> What do you guys think?
>>> --
>>> "The measure of a man is what he does with power" - Plato
>>> -
>>> @abstractj
>>> -
>>> Volenti Nihil Difficile
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