[gsoc] GSOC students with rejected proposals
by Anil Saldhana
Hello students,
it is very unfortunate that we had a finite number of official gsoc
slots (8 this year) with unlimited number of student proposals. So for
all the students who could not officially be part of the gsoc 12
program, you have unlimited opportunities to engage in open source with
the JBoss community.
In my previous emails, I did stress that we view student participation
in JBoss community as a long beneficial partnership. At the end of the
day, open source wins.
Since …
[View More]almost all of you have expressed a desire to continue your
participation with JBoss Community, I have created the following
discussion thread on JBoss Community (please use your jboss.org login)
[View Less]
12 years, 10 months
[gsoc] Mentors - please discuss with your student
by Anil Saldhana
Hi Mentors,
now that the accepted student list is out, please send a simple
welcome email to your student and work out the project logistics. You
are free to CC me on the emails.
12 years, 11 months
[gsoc] Congratulations to the GSOC Students
by Anil Saldhana
Hi Students,
Google (GSOC) has announced the 1200+ students accepted into the GSOC
2012 program.
Your mentor will soon contact you, if you are accepted.
If your application is rejected, I will be interacting with you soon,
about your continued participation with JBoss Community. As mentioned in
the other email thread (what excites the gsoc students?), I view this
program as an opportunity to extend the …
[View More]collaboration of JBoss Community
with students for a life long association with Open Source. We want you
to have jboss.org on your resumes for a long long time in your software
We were provided 8 slots by GSOC and we had to pick and choose. It was
extremely hard to choose. I feel quite sad about the rejections, since
almost all of you applied exclusively to JBoss Community and we were
short of official slots. It is exciting that we have 8 students
participating, but we will not forget those who are unable.
[View Less]
12 years, 11 months
Re: [gsoc] GSOC Students, what excites you?
by Anil Saldhana
to the list....
On 04/21/2012 06:57 AM, Krzysztof Kwaśniewski wrote:
> Hi!
> To answer your questions:
> (...)
> Students, what excites you about the GSOC12 program with JBoss
> community? Please answer*honestly* (We are smart enough to figure out
> dishonest people)
> a) Is it the thrill of being in the gsoc 12 program?
> b) Is it the money from the gsoc program?
> c) Are you very interested to add JBoss Community on your resume?
> d) Are you …
[View More]doing this because you want to be part of the JBoss Community
> Open Source ecosystem?
> (...)
> Ad. a)
> Not really, I took part in GSoC last year. It was a very pleasant experience, I got to know a couple of people, but I don't feel thrilled with the program as it is. It, however, gives an option to get to know with open source organizations and take part in interesting projects. I can also learn a bit at GSoC, like last year about troubles with defining requirements for a project. ;P
> Ad. b)
> It's an important issue. When I'm expected to be honest about it, I won't deny. But it's not only about money. What I mean here is that I doubt me taking part in a boring project, even when paid for that. In the GSoC case I choose a task interesting for me and I get money for that. Last year I wrote an extension for Gdb with Python. It was quite interesting, as I understood several aspects of how an interpreter for the Tcl language works. Finally I wrote an extension with Python - I like Python and Gdb has good support for that. However, to be honest, I probably wouldn't take this project for free.
> Ad. c) and d)
> I'm not sure whether I understand correctly. If you ask whether I would like to have „taken part in GSoC with JBoss...” in my resume, then I can answer „yes” even now. When you ask about „has been a member of JBoss community”, then I'm not sure yet. JBoss community seems to be a very open and friendly one, the same I could say about the Tcl community that I got to know last year. However I'm not a member of their community now. Last year the project I have found there was the most interesting out of the possibilities I have browsed. What more, there were two persons having graduated from my university, that pointed at Tcl as a good place to start in GSoC. The project I have finished there was an extension for Gdb aimed at looking for bugs in the Tcl interpreter. In my project I didn't need to learn the Tcl language - ok, I got several main concepts, but still I didn't master that language. Now I need it for classes at my university and I have learned it a bit, b!
> ut it's a
> completely different story. When I asked in December if someone needed any added functionality or support regarding the interpreter, it found out so far they hadn't used the code - there was no need. On the other side, the project should help especially my mentor looking for bugs - however he had important personal problems last year and maybe just he didn't have time for that? To finish that long assumptions - if things went in a different way, I might have developed my project more even after GSoC. Being a part of Tcl? Maybe. Probably the same goes with JBoss.
> Best regards,
> Krzysiek
[View Less]
12 years, 11 months
Re: [gsoc] GSOC Students, what excites you?
by Anil Saldhana
To the list...
On 04/21/2012 08:36 PM, Ognjen Bubalo wrote:
> Dear Mr. Saldhana,
> There are several reasons I would like to participate.
> The feeling that I only need a computer and an internet connection to
> create something useful and that I can work with such an unselfish
> people are the main reasons I am interested in open source projects.
> Of course, money would be a big help. Here in Hungary the situation is
> not too good and if I want to be sure about …
[View More]my future I have to build
> a strong resume. This motivates me a lot, GSoS with JBoss would be a
> perfect start. I am lucky that my mentor is Jonathan Fuerth. He spared
> no effort to help me, and there are others in JBoss community who were
> very helpful. It would be an honor working with them, also it gives me
> a huge motivation that the realization of this project is long waited.
> So with or without GSoC I would like to continue the project.
> I really hope that I am allowed to continue. Thank you!
> Best regards,
> Ogi
> 2012/4/20 Anil Saldhana <Anil.Saldhana(a)redhat.com
> <mailto:Anil.Saldhana@redhat.com>>
> Hi gsoc students,
> soon GSOC will announce the accepted student proposals and the
> rejected proposals. Until they make the formal announcement, please
> disregard any accepted/rejected emails that the system may send.
> Apparently there are bugs in the Google Melange site. :)
> While there will be a few happy students, there will be many students
> who will turn unhappy. The main reason is that the number of gsoc is
> always finite/limited where as the Ideas/Proposals is large.
> At JBoss community, we have been very thrilled to see so much
> excitement
> among both the mentors and students.
> Now I come to an important question for our gsoc students who put in
> their proposals.
> Students, what excites you about the GSOC12 program with JBoss
> community? Please answer *honestly* (We are smart enough to
> figure out
> dishonest people)
> a) Is it the thrill of being in the gsoc 12 program?
> b) Is it the money from the gsoc program?
> c) Are you very interested to add JBoss Community on your resume?
> d) Are you doing this because you want to be part of the JBoss
> Community
> Open Source ecosystem?
> I am asking all these questions because I want to see if you can
> continue to be part of the JBoss Community ecosystem, if your proposal
> is rejected.
> "I am looking for passion for open source."
> Regards,
> Anil
[View Less]
12 years, 11 months
Re: [gsoc] GSOC Students, what excites you?
by Anil Saldhana
to the list...
On 04/22/2012 04:26 PM, Khobaib Chowdhury wrote:
> Hi Anil,
> For long time, it was my desire to join open source movement. Starting
> with GSoC is of course thrilling as you have a certain goal & a
> deadline and more importantly, you have a mentor who guides you to
> achieve the goal. For a starter, this guidance is very much important.
> If I am selected for GSoC, the money will keep me well-funded for my
> student life. Of course, it's a …
[View More]lucrative offer to learn towards open
> source and get paid for the project at the same time.
> I want to write about JBoss org in my resume if that's not a problem.
> For last few days, I spent my time to learn JBoss tools & some
> projects related to my proposal. It's not only for a four month GSoC
> project. I wish I am going to be part of the organization & contribute
> what I can.
> Thank you.
> Regards -
> Khobaib.
> On Mon, Apr 23, 2012 at 12:26 AM, Anil Saldhana
> <Anil.Saldhana(a)redhat.com <mailto:Anil.Saldhana@redhat.com>> wrote:
> I am really glad to see the responses from the students. True,honest
> conversations are a forte of open source software. :)
> In an ideal world, there would be unlimited gsoc slots to accommodate
> all students. But there are just a finite number of slots. We have to
> reject many student proposals.
> Would the rejected students continue to participate in JBoss
> community?
> On 04/20/2012 11:31 AM, #HARJOBEN SINGH# wrote:
> > Hi Anil,
> >
> > I am a Computer Engineering student from NTU, Singapore. I
> applied to gsoc for a jBPM project which aims to use the engine on
> Android devices to make the app development process similar.
> >
> > Answering your question aimed at all the students, I would like
> to say the only reason I chose this project was because I was
> interested in the description and I had heard a lot about the
> JBoss community and wanted to be part of the community. I had
> previous experience in Android development so I believed I had the
> required experience to pull off this project. That was the reason
> I approached the project mentor, Kris Verlaenen, on what he
> expects from the project. Had I been interested in GSOC only for
> the money, I would have applied to 10 different companies and
> submitted proposals to various projects(although the money is
> lucrative, no doubt).
> >
> > I didn't apply for any summer internship for lack of any good
> technical organisations in Singapore and was anyways looking for
> some project to do this summer. I have no previous experience with
> open source but have always admired it. This seemed like a very
> good opportunity to try it out as well. I would love to continue
> with the project even if it is not selected as part of GSOC
> program. It would be great working with you as it has been great
> knowing whatever little of jBPM I have experienced till now
> (Thanks to Kris' help and his blogs).
> >
> > I might play around with jBPM even if I don't work with JBoss. :P
> >
> > Thank you
> >
> > Regards
> > Harjoben Singh
> > ________________________________________
> > From: gsoc-bounces(a)lists.jboss.org
> <mailto:gsoc-bounces@lists.jboss.org>
> [gsoc-bounces(a)lists.jboss.org
> <mailto:gsoc-bounces@lists.jboss.org>] on behalf of Anil Saldhana
> [Anil.Saldhana(a)redhat.com <mailto:Anil.Saldhana@redhat.com>]
> > Sent: Friday, April 20, 2012 11:49 PM
> > To: gsoc(a)lists.jboss.org <mailto:gsoc@lists.jboss.org>
> > Subject: [gsoc] GSOC Students, what excites you?
> >
> > Hi gsoc students,
> > soon GSOC will announce the accepted student proposals and the
> > rejected proposals. Until they make the formal announcement, please
> > disregard any accepted/rejected emails that the system may send.
> > Apparently there are bugs in the Google Melange site. :)
> >
> > While there will be a few happy students, there will be many
> students
> > who will turn unhappy. The main reason is that the number of
> gsoc is
> > always finite/limited where as the Ideas/Proposals is large.
> >
> > At JBoss community, we have been very thrilled to see so much
> excitement
> > among both the mentors and students.
> >
> > Now I come to an important question for our gsoc students who put in
> > their proposals.
> >
> > Students, what excites you about the GSOC12 program with JBoss
> > community? Please answer *honestly* (We are smart enough to
> figure out
> > dishonest people)
> >
> > a) Is it the thrill of being in the gsoc 12 program?
> > b) Is it the money from the gsoc program?
> > c) Are you very interested to add JBoss Community on your resume?
> > d) Are you doing this because you want to be part of the JBoss
> Community
> > Open Source ecosystem?
> >
> > I am asking all these questions because I want to see if you can
> > continue to be part of the JBoss Community ecosystem, if your
> proposal
> > is rejected.
> >
> > "I am looking for passion for open source."
> >
> > Regards,
> > Anil
> > _______________________________________________
> > gsoc mailing list
> > gsoc(a)lists.jboss.org <mailto:gsoc@lists.jboss.org>
> > https://lists.jboss.org/mailman/listinfo/gsoc
> >
> >
> _______________________________________________
> gsoc mailing list
> gsoc(a)lists.jboss.org <mailto:gsoc@lists.jboss.org>
> https://lists.jboss.org/mailman/listinfo/gsoc
> --
> Khobaib Chowdhury
> Masters Student*, *CSE, BUET.
[View Less]
12 years, 11 months
Re: [gsoc] GSOC Students, what excites you?
by Anil Saldhana
Hi students,
please reply to the list. We are not hiding anything. :)
Lets keep the conversation going.
On 04/22/2012 04:36 PM, Demian Calcaprina wrote:
> Hi Anil, sure I will!
> I really want to be part of jBPM and Drools active community...great
> projects, and I have met nice and inteligent people there (krisv,
> salaboy, esteban, etc).
> I have good knowlege about these two projects nowadays and I really
> trust in open source and all related to …
[View More]sharing knowledge (I have my
> own blog, github, participate in jbpm forum and some fixes too), so I
> really want to be part, learn and help the community to grow.
> Hope to hearing you soon!
> Thanks,
> Demian
> On Sun, Apr 22, 2012 at 3:26 PM, Anil Saldhana
> <Anil.Saldhana(a)redhat.com <mailto:Anil.Saldhana@redhat.com>> wrote:
> I am really glad to see the responses from the students. True,honest
> conversations are a forte of open source software. :)
> In an ideal world, there would be unlimited gsoc slots to accommodate
> all students. But there are just a finite number of slots. We have to
> reject many student proposals.
> Would the rejected students continue to participate in JBoss
> community?
> On 04/20/2012 11:31 AM, #HARJOBEN SINGH# wrote:
> > Hi Anil,
> >
> > I am a Computer Engineering student from NTU, Singapore. I
> applied to gsoc for a jBPM project which aims to use the engine on
> Android devices to make the app development process similar.
> >
> > Answering your question aimed at all the students, I would like
> to say the only reason I chose this project was because I was
> interested in the description and I had heard a lot about the
> JBoss community and wanted to be part of the community. I had
> previous experience in Android development so I believed I had the
> required experience to pull off this project. That was the reason
> I approached the project mentor, Kris Verlaenen, on what he
> expects from the project. Had I been interested in GSOC only for
> the money, I would have applied to 10 different companies and
> submitted proposals to various projects(although the money is
> lucrative, no doubt).
> >
> > I didn't apply for any summer internship for lack of any good
> technical organisations in Singapore and was anyways looking for
> some project to do this summer. I have no previous experience with
> open source but have always admired it. This seemed like a very
> good opportunity to try it out as well. I would love to continue
> with the project even if it is not selected as part of GSOC
> program. It would be great working with you as it has been great
> knowing whatever little of jBPM I have experienced till now
> (Thanks to Kris' help and his blogs).
> >
> > I might play around with jBPM even if I don't work with JBoss. :P
> >
> > Thank you
> >
> > Regards
> > Harjoben Singh
> > ________________________________________
> > From: gsoc-bounces(a)lists.jboss.org
> <mailto:gsoc-bounces@lists.jboss.org>
> [gsoc-bounces(a)lists.jboss.org
> <mailto:gsoc-bounces@lists.jboss.org>] on behalf of Anil Saldhana
> [Anil.Saldhana(a)redhat.com <mailto:Anil.Saldhana@redhat.com>]
> > Sent: Friday, April 20, 2012 11:49 PM
> > To: gsoc(a)lists.jboss.org <mailto:gsoc@lists.jboss.org>
> > Subject: [gsoc] GSOC Students, what excites you?
> >
> > Hi gsoc students,
> > soon GSOC will announce the accepted student proposals and the
> > rejected proposals. Until they make the formal announcement, please
> > disregard any accepted/rejected emails that the system may send.
> > Apparently there are bugs in the Google Melange site. :)
> >
> > While there will be a few happy students, there will be many
> students
> > who will turn unhappy. The main reason is that the number of
> gsoc is
> > always finite/limited where as the Ideas/Proposals is large.
> >
> > At JBoss community, we have been very thrilled to see so much
> excitement
> > among both the mentors and students.
> >
> > Now I come to an important question for our gsoc students who put in
> > their proposals.
> >
> > Students, what excites you about the GSOC12 program with JBoss
> > community? Please answer *honestly* (We are smart enough to
> figure out
> > dishonest people)
> >
> > a) Is it the thrill of being in the gsoc 12 program?
> > b) Is it the money from the gsoc program?
> > c) Are you very interested to add JBoss Community on your resume?
> > d) Are you doing this because you want to be part of the JBoss
> Community
> > Open Source ecosystem?
> >
> > I am asking all these questions because I want to see if you can
> > continue to be part of the JBoss Community ecosystem, if your
> proposal
> > is rejected.
> >
> > "I am looking for passion for open source."
> >
> > Regards,
> > Anil
[View Less]
12 years, 11 months
Re: [gsoc] GSOC Students, what excites you?
by Anil Saldhana
I am really glad to see the responses from the students. True,honest
conversations are a forte of open source software. :)
In an ideal world, there would be unlimited gsoc slots to accommodate
all students. But there are just a finite number of slots. We have to
reject many student proposals.
Would the rejected students continue to participate in JBoss community?
On 04/20/2012 11:31 AM, #HARJOBEN SINGH# wrote:
> Hi Anil,
> I am a Computer Engineering student from NTU, …
[View More]Singapore. I applied to gsoc for a jBPM project which aims to use the engine on Android devices to make the app development process similar.
> Answering your question aimed at all the students, I would like to say the only reason I chose this project was because I was interested in the description and I had heard a lot about the JBoss community and wanted to be part of the community. I had previous experience in Android development so I believed I had the required experience to pull off this project. That was the reason I approached the project mentor, Kris Verlaenen, on what he expects from the project. Had I been interested in GSOC only for the money, I would have applied to 10 different companies and submitted proposals to various projects(although the money is lucrative, no doubt).
> I didn't apply for any summer internship for lack of any good technical organisations in Singapore and was anyways looking for some project to do this summer. I have no previous experience with open source but have always admired it. This seemed like a very good opportunity to try it out as well. I would love to continue with the project even if it is not selected as part of GSOC program. It would be great working with you as it has been great knowing whatever little of jBPM I have experienced till now (Thanks to Kris' help and his blogs).
> I might play around with jBPM even if I don't work with JBoss. :P
> Thank you
> Regards
> Harjoben Singh
> ________________________________________
> From: gsoc-bounces(a)lists.jboss.org [gsoc-bounces(a)lists.jboss.org] on behalf of Anil Saldhana [Anil.Saldhana(a)redhat.com]
> Sent: Friday, April 20, 2012 11:49 PM
> To: gsoc(a)lists.jboss.org
> Subject: [gsoc] GSOC Students, what excites you?
> Hi gsoc students,
> soon GSOC will announce the accepted student proposals and the
> rejected proposals. Until they make the formal announcement, please
> disregard any accepted/rejected emails that the system may send.
> Apparently there are bugs in the Google Melange site. :)
> While there will be a few happy students, there will be many students
> who will turn unhappy. The main reason is that the number of gsoc is
> always finite/limited where as the Ideas/Proposals is large.
> At JBoss community, we have been very thrilled to see so much excitement
> among both the mentors and students.
> Now I come to an important question for our gsoc students who put in
> their proposals.
> Students, what excites you about the GSOC12 program with JBoss
> community? Please answer *honestly* (We are smart enough to figure out
> dishonest people)
> a) Is it the thrill of being in the gsoc 12 program?
> b) Is it the money from the gsoc program?
> c) Are you very interested to add JBoss Community on your resume?
> d) Are you doing this because you want to be part of the JBoss Community
> Open Source ecosystem?
> I am asking all these questions because I want to see if you can
> continue to be part of the JBoss Community ecosystem, if your proposal
> is rejected.
> "I am looking for passion for open source."
> Regards,
> Anil
> _______________________________________________
> gsoc mailing list
> gsoc(a)lists.jboss.org
> https://lists.jboss.org/mailman/listinfo/gsoc
[View Less]
12 years, 11 months
Re: [gsoc] GSOC Students, what excites you?
by Aleksey Shilin
a) yes
b) yes
c) yes , because I consider the possibility of intership or working at
Redhat after finish my education , so I think it would be good point in my
resume to get this possible.
d) yes, because it give me a lot opportunities, for example get know how
tools that I use(or will use) is working on "low" level.
> Message: 2
> Date: Fri, 20 Apr 2012 10:49:04 -0500
> From: Anil Saldhana <Anil.Saldhana(a)redhat.com>
> Subject: [gsoc] GSOC Students, what excites you?
> …
[View More]To: gsoc(a)lists.jboss.org
> Message-ID: <4F918570.6040807(a)redhat.com>
> Content-Type: text/plain; charset=ISO-8859-1; format=flowed
> Hi gsoc students,
> soon GSOC will announce the accepted student proposals and the
> rejected proposals. Until they make the formal announcement, please
> disregard any accepted/rejected emails that the system may send.
> Apparently there are bugs in the Google Melange site. :)
> While there will be a few happy students, there will be many students
> who will turn unhappy. The main reason is that the number of gsoc is
> always finite/limited where as the Ideas/Proposals is large.
> At JBoss community, we have been very thrilled to see so much excitement
> among both the mentors and students.
> Now I come to an important question for our gsoc students who put in
> their proposals.
> Students, what excites you about the GSOC12 program with JBoss
> community? Please answer *honestly* (We are smart enough to figure out
> dishonest people)
> a) Is it the thrill of being in the gsoc 12 program?
> b) Is it the money from the gsoc program?
> c) Are you very interested to add JBoss Community on your resume?
> d) Are you doing this because you want to be part of the JBoss Community
> Open Source ecosystem?
> I am asking all these questions because I want to see if you can
> continue to be part of the JBoss Community ecosystem, if your proposal
> is rejected.
> "I am looking for passion for open source."
> Regards,
> Anil
> ------------------------------
> _______________________________________________
> gsoc mailing list
> gsoc(a)lists.jboss.org
> https://lists.jboss.org/mailman/listinfo/gsoc
> End of gsoc Digest, Vol 2, Issue 17
> ***********************************
[View Less]
12 years, 11 months
[gsoc] GSOC Students, what excites you?
by Anil Saldhana
Hi gsoc students,
soon GSOC will announce the accepted student proposals and the
rejected proposals. Until they make the formal announcement, please
disregard any accepted/rejected emails that the system may send.
Apparently there are bugs in the Google Melange site. :)
While there will be a few happy students, there will be many students
who will turn unhappy. The main reason is that the number of gsoc is
always finite/limited where as the Ideas/Proposals is large.
At JBoss …
[View More]community, we have been very thrilled to see so much excitement
among both the mentors and students.
Now I come to an important question for our gsoc students who put in
their proposals.
Students, what excites you about the GSOC12 program with JBoss
community? Please answer *honestly* (We are smart enough to figure out
dishonest people)
a) Is it the thrill of being in the gsoc 12 program?
b) Is it the money from the gsoc program?
c) Are you very interested to add JBoss Community on your resume?
d) Are you doing this because you want to be part of the JBoss Community
Open Source ecosystem?
I am asking all these questions because I want to see if you can
continue to be part of the JBoss Community ecosystem, if your proposal
is rejected.
"I am looking for passion for open source."
[View Less]
12 years, 11 months