[gsoc] GSoC : OptaPlanner
by Ghassen Khalil Ati
Hi, I'm Ghassen Khalil Ati and I'm applying for the "Google Summer of Code"
I'm interesting in one of the JBoss Community which is : OptaPlanner for
Android, that's why I want to be in touch with one of the adminstrators of
this organisation to help me preaparing the proposal and applying for the
I am waiting for your rapid response sir to complete all necessary
With all my advance thanks and respect.
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Ghassen Khalil ATI
Élève Ingénieur en Génie Informatique à l'Institut International de
Cité El Ons 1 - N°154 - Route de Tunis km 10 - Sfax
Tél. : (+216) 21 463 933
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1 year, 6 months
FW: [GSoC Mentors Announce] Re: GSoC 2015 Mentor Summit Travel and Details Email
by Markus Eisele
Hi Mentors,
Anybody interested in going to the Mentors Summit?
Let me know ASAP!
From: gsoc-mentors-announce(a)googlegroups.com [mailto:gsoc-mentors-announce@googlegroups.com]
Sent: Monday, July 06, 2015 9:10 PM
To: GSoC Mentors Announce
Subject: [GSoC Mentors Announce] Re: GSoC 2015 Mentor Summit Travel and Details Email
Hi folks,
Just a friendly reminder that we are taking requests for POs, hotel reservations, and registrations for the mentor summit. Please let …
[View More]me know if you have any questions or concerns about the process for anything. The hotel is already filling up, so I do recommend booking soon.
On Mon, Jun 15, 2015 at 1:34 PM, Carol Smith <carols(a)google.com <mailto:carols@google.com> > wrote:
Hi everyone,
The Google Summer of Code Mentor Summit is approaching!
When: 6-8 November, 2015
Where: Google Headquarters, Mountain View, California + Sheraton Sunnyvale and Aloft Sunnyvale hotels
Some brief background: The Google Summer of Code Mentor Summit is a two-day " <http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Unconference> unconference" that brings together mentors and org admins from each of the mentoring organizations that have participated in GSoC that year. Google pays for a two-night hotel stay, transportation costs, conference facilities, and food for the weekend, and the attendees make the agenda. We've consistently heard from mentors over the years that the summit was one of the best conferences of the year for them. The opportunity to meet face-to-face with other FOSS community members is a valuable experience, as is the time spent discussing ideas in a casual forum where everyone's voice can be heard.
Attendees will be staying at either the <http://www.sheratonsunnyvale.com/> Sunnyvale Sheraton hotel or the <http://www.starwoodhotels.com/alofthotels/property/overview/index.html?pr...> Aloft Sunnyvale hotel this year.
Here's how to proceed with booking and attending:
1) Your organization will need to decide on either one or two delegates [1] to send to the event. If your organization was allocated 3 or fewer students this year you may send one delegate. If your organization was allocated 4 or more students this year you may send two delegates. Any people who want to attend above and beyond the two from your organization will need to list themselves on the <https://docs.google.com/forms/d/1WlSKsw9L-sBM_vGaYlvQrKM2VBl9gIj6CDT7YewM...> Waiting List and wait for word from me about extra space as we get closer to the event.
2) Once your organization has decided on the delegate(s) it would like to send to this year's event, those individuals can feel free to book their hotel rooms at the <https://www.starwoodmeeting.com/StarGroupsWeb/res?id=1506058150&key=846F69C> Sunnyvale Sheraton now (this is where the evening social activities will be taking place). Please note that if the Sunnyvale Sheraton fills up you will need to make you can book at the <https://www.starwoodmeeting.com/Book/novgooglegroup> Aloft Sunnyvale instead. If you really want to stay at the Sheraton, make sure to book early! We'll have shuttles running between the hotels and to campus for the whole weekend. NB: The hotel registration deadline is 2 October.
3) Please fill out the <https://docs.google.com/forms/d/116jPicpxWTy0wuAk1r6qZdZ-EX7hmkRo3lqgLtyV...> Mentor Summit Registration form as soon as you have confirmed your hotel room.
4) We include the reimbursement for travel to the mentor summit and the mentor stipends in one PO to your organization. Please see the payment info <http://www.google-melange.com/gsoc/document/show/gsoc_program/google/gsoc...> page for more detail on this. These POs will be issued to your org soon after it has made the payment request.
5) Flights should be purchased once you have a confirmed PO. All orgs pay for plane tickets ahead of time and then request reimbursement via invoice against the PO once you have receipts for the flights.
6) Please check out the <https://sites.google.com/site/gsoc2015ms/> website. It has lots of useful information for you about the event and what to expect.
7) In the unlikely event that your organization does not plan to attend the mentor summit at all, please fill out <https://docs.google.com/forms/d/1nDtQQ837TthbL7eMZsApStfWv7KgzGMQM-JQUWF_...> this form to let me know. Please only fill this out if you are not sending *any* delegates to the summit.
8) Please remember that any organization that misses two or more evaluation deadlines may not attend the summit. If you book travel and then get uninvited from the summit after the either the midterm or the final evaluations you will not be reimbursed for travel costs and your hotel stays will be cancelled. So don't miss those evaluations or you jeopardize missing the event!
[1] - A "delegate" is defined as either a mentor or org admin who participated in this year's GSoC program. We're sorry, but we can't accommodate other people from your organization who did not mentor or administer this year. Also, we will not accept any mentors who miss an evaluation deadline in this year's program. Please contact me if you have questions about if a person from your organization is on this list.
As always, please contact me directly with any questions or concerns you may have about any of these instructions.
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9 years, 8 months
Hawkular-pluggable data processors for metrics: Progress Report
by Aakarsh Agarwal
Hi all,
I am currently working on the Hawkular Metrics repository as part of the Google Summer of Code 2015 program and this is to update the progress of my project.
As of now, the git repo on my github profile dedicated to implement a simple plugin interface using 5 basic statistical algorithms has been updated. 5 standard functions implemented here are -
Minimum of the entered data set.
Maximum of the entered data set.
Average of the entered data set.
[View More]nbsp;of the entered data set.
Standard Deviation of the entered data set.
The link to this git repo is - https://github.com/Akki5/hawkular_plugin
The work done since last update of the project includes -
This project now uses maven to build the project and works on several submodules. There exists individual submodule per plugin for each standard function.
The project makes use of PluginClassLoader.java to load all the classes implementing StatisticalAlgo.
It asks the input from user as to which plugin is to be used. It then computes and displays the desired result.
PluginDemoTest.java is the test class. This class tests all the plugins at once and also different plugins individually. This increases the reliability and accuracy of the test class.
All the desired jar files get compiled and packaged at one place.
Aakarsh Agarwal
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9 years, 8 months