Removal of AS7 compatibility parsers
by Tristan Tarrant
Hi all,
during the 5.2 cycle I added some parsers which enabled reading in the
infinispan subsystem configuration from AS7/JDG/EAP. While the parsers
are actually fine, we are still not able to parse the jgroups and
threads subsystem configuration which are essential elements of a full
configuration. While I do have some uncommitted work towards making
these work, I want to throw away all of these parsers and instead add a
configuration converters (to and from) to the ones we already have. Ray
Tsang has offered to help with this, and I believe it is a leaner solution.
Opinions please.
11 years, 8 months
How to run the testsuite?
by Sanne Grinovero
Hi all,
after reviewing some pull requests, I'm since a couple of days unable
to run the testsuite; since Anna's fixes affect many modules I'm
trying to run the testsuite of the whole project, as we should always
do but I admit I haven't done it in a while because of the core module
So I run:
$ mvn -fn clean install
using -fn to have it continue after the core failures.
First attempt gave me an OOM, was running with 1G heap.. I'm pretty
sure this was good enough some months back.
Second attempt slowed down like crazy, and I found a warning about
having filled the code cache size, so doubled it to 200M.
Third attempt: OutOfMemoryError: PermGen space! But I'm running with
-XX:MaxPermSize=380M which should be plenty?
This is :
java version "1.6.0_43"
Java(TM) SE Runtime Environment (build 1.6.0_43-b01)
Java HotSpot(TM) 64-Bit Server VM (build 20.14-b01, mixed mode)
MAVEN_OPTS=-Xmx2G -XX:MaxPermSize=380M -XX:+TieredCompilation -Djgroups.bind_addr=
My custom log configuration just disables trace & debug.
Going to try now with larger PermGen and different JVMs but it looks
quite bad.. any other suggestion?
(I do have the security limits setup properly)
11 years, 8 months
Classloading issue with multiple modules in AS7
by Sanne Grinovero
When starting an EmbeddedCacheManager from a different module deployed
in the AS, I get this stacktrace:
Caused by: Unable to initialize
directory provider:
... 19 more
Caused by: org.infinispan.config.ConfigurationException:
org.infinispan.CacheException: Unable to load component metadata!
at org.infinispan.manager.DefaultCacheManager.<init>(
at org.infinispan.manager.DefaultCacheManager.<init>(
at org.infinispan.manager.DefaultCacheManager.<init>(
... 22 more
Caused by: org.infinispan.CacheException: Unable to load component metadata!
at org.infinispan.factories.components.ComponentMetadataRepo.initialize(
at org.infinispan.factories.GlobalComponentRegistry.<init>(
at org.infinispan.manager.DefaultCacheManager.<init>(
... 29 more
Caused by: java.lang.NullPointerException
at org.infinispan.factories.components.ComponentMetadataRepo.readMetadata(
at org.infinispan.factories.components.ComponentMetadataRepo.initialize(
... 31 more
The ComponentMetadataRepo is unable to load
"infinispan-core-component-metadata.dat", which contains the
critically-important information for wiring together the internal
components of Infinispan core.
Now I think this is quite silly as locating this resource is trivial:
it's in the same jar as all the infinispan core classes:
infinispan-core-[version].jar so patching this looks like trivial:
it's using the ClassLoader configured as defaultClassLoader in
org.infinispan.factories.AbstractComponentRegistry, but really it
should just use something like
AbstractComponentRegistry.class.getClassLoader() ?
Things get a bit more tricky with extension modules, and a lot of
magic is being wrapped around this defaultClassLoader which goes
beyond my understanding so I would be glad to leave this issue to some
core Infinispan developer more familiar with the intentions here.
11 years, 8 months
Tactical Nuclear Penguin - GMU update SERIALIZABLE support?
Hi Pedro,
In a different thread that you answered, I was left with the impression
that the 5.3alpha nuclear penguin build - and its Total Order join point
- did not yet support an isolation=SERIALIZABLE implementation.
Consequently, it should be true (and as you confirmed) that I cannot
(yet!) execute a PHANTOM_READ intolerant transaction via nuclear
penguin. However, I am now starting a deep dive on Total Order (still
very cursory at this stage) and I am running into literature that
references "GMU update SERIALIZABLE support". I promise to do more
research myself, but would you mind commenting briefly wrt if "GMU
update SERIALIZABLE support" is available right now in the nuclear
penguin and - if so - is there some available API (TotalOrder, JSR107,
Infinispan, etc.) through which I can specify isolation=SERIALIZABLE
(and thus execute a PHANTOM_READ intolerant transaction)? Also, if
Total Order's "GMU update SERIALIZABLE" does not give me a bridge to an
Infinispan capability to protect me from PHANTOM_READ then what exactly
does it do? (Again, I promise to research vi Total Order's literature
... but want to get your quick inputs before I deep dive).
11 years, 8 months
Re: [infinispan-dev] Tactical Nuclear Penguin - GMU update SERIALIZABLE support?
Hi Pedro (again),
Did a little reading, and I think I may get it now. Can you please
confirm (or correct) the following:
1. Total Order on CloudTM provides "GMU Update Serializable" /*
supports PHANTOM_READ intolerant transactions */
2. Total Order on Infinispan (Nuclear Penguin 5.3ALPHA build) does not
(yet) provide "GMU Update Serializable" /* cannot (yet) execute
PHANTOM_READ intolerant transactions */
11 years, 8 months
by Ales Justin
Although this change fixes query lookup,
it adds horrible performance:
Running CapeDwarf cluster QueryTest:
with HSEARCH-1296
21:00:27,188 INFO [] (http-/ HSEARCH000168: Serialization service Avro SerializationProvider v1.0 being used for index ''
21:01:17,911 INFO [org.jboss.web] (ServerService Thread Pool -- 49) JBAS018224: Unregister web context: /capedwarf-tests
old 4.2.0.Final HS
21:08:19,988 INFO [] (http-/ HSEARCH000168: Serialization service Avro SerializationProvider v1.0 being used for index ''
21:08:20,829 INFO [org.jboss.web] (ServerService Thread Pool -- 49) JBAS018224: Unregister web context: /capedwarf-tests
I added
<property name="enable_bundling">true</property>
to AS jgroups transport config, but no improvement.
Any (other) idea?
11 years, 8 months
GSOC Project Idea - ODATA For Infinispan
by siddharth teotia
I am interested in applying for the project idea "ODATA for Infinispan"
proposed by JBoss community for GSOC 2013. I need information regarding
this project and would like to have a discussion on my proposal for this
project. It would be of great help if you can give some guidance in
proceeding further.
Siddharth Teotia
11 years, 8 months
Need help: ISPN-2143
by Sanne Grinovero
This issue has been assigned to me for long, but I'm unable to find
time to work on it soon. Still, it's quite an important one, quite
annoying it's still open.
Any volunteer?
Requires a bit of coding in the Query module, but is totally unrelated
to Lucene so anyone familiar with Infinispan could do it.
11 years, 8 months