Spring module - change dependencies to Uber Jars
by Sebastian Laskawiec
I'm currently trying to solve a tricky class loading issue connected to
Spring, CDI and Uber Jars. Here's the scenario:
- Remote Uber Jar contains CDI module
- Our Hot Rod client use newer version of JBoss Logging which is present
in Wildfly/EAP modules
- However EAP and Wildfly will load (and make available for deployment)
their own version of JBoss Logging [1]
- The easiest fix for this is to relocate JBoss Logging package in
Uber Jar
- Spring module requires some classes from Infinispan Common and they in
turn need BasicLogger from JBoss Logging
- If we relocate JBoss Logging and will try to use Uber Jar with
Spring - we will end up with classloading issue [2]
So it seems the best approach is to make Spring depend on Uber Jars instead
of "small ones". Of course, users who use small jars will probably be
affected by this change (they would have to either accept using Uber Jars
or exclude them in their poms and add dependencies manually).
Is anyone against this solution? JIRA tracking ticket: [3].
[1] Scenario with Weld enabled WAR
[2] https://bugzilla.redhat.com/show_bug.cgi?id=1266831#c7
[3] https://issues.jboss.org/browse/ISPN-6132
8 years, 3 months
Multi tenancy support for Infinispan
by Sebastian Laskawiec
Dear Community,
Please have a look at the design of Multi tenancy support for Infinispan
[1]. I would be more than happy to get some feedback from you.
- The implementation will be based on a Router (which will be built
based on Netty)
- Multiple Hot Rod and REST servers will be attached to the router which
in turn will be attached to the endpoint
- The router will operate on a binary protocol when using Hot Rod
clients and path-based routing when using REST
- Memcached will be out of scope
- The router will support SSL+SNI
8 years, 6 months
jdk8backported package
by Radim Vansa
although we're on Java 8, there's still the package
org.infinispan.*.jdk8backported in our codebase. Is there any plan (and
possibility) to remove these and use implementation provided by runtime?
Or have we tweaked them too much, so shall we rather rename them?
Radim Vansa <rvansa(a)redhat.com>
JBoss Performance Team
8 years, 7 months
Distributed Counter Discussion
by Pedro Ruivo
Hi everybody,
Discussion about distributed counters.
== Public API ==
interface Counter
String getName() //counter name
long get() //current value. may return stale value due to concurrent
operations to other nodes.
void increment() //async or sync increment. default add(1)
void decrement() //async or sync decrement. default add(-1)
void add(long) //async or sync add.
void reset() //resets to initial value
Note: Tried to make the interface as simple as possible with support for
sync and async operations. To avoid any confusion, I consider an async
operation as happening somewhat in the future, i.e. eventually
The sync operation happens somewhat during the method execution.
interface AtomiCounter extends Counter
long addAndGet() //adds a returns the new value. sync operation
long incrementAndGet() //increments and returns the new value. sync
operation. default addAndGet(1)
long decrementAndGet() //decrements and returns the new value. sync
operation. default addAndGet(-1)
interface AdvancedCounter extends Counter
long getMin/MaxThreshold() //returns the min and max threshold value
void add/removeListener() //adds a listener that is invoked when the
value change. Can be extended to notify when it is "reseted" and when
the threshold is reached.
Note: should this interface be splitted?
== Details ==
This is what I have in mind. Two counter managers: one based on JGroups
counter and another one based on Infinispan cache.
The first one creates AtomicCounters and it first perfectly. All
counters are created with an initial value (zero by default)
The second generates counters with all the options available. It can mix
sync/async operation and all counters will be in the same cache. The
cache will be configure by us and it would be an internal cache. This
will use all the features available in the cache.
Configuration-wise, I'm thinking about 2 parameters: number of backups
and timeout (for sync operations).
So, comment bellow and let me know alternatives, improvement or if I
missed something.
ps. I also consider implement a counter based on JGroups-raft but I
believe it is an overkill.
ps2. sorry for the long email :( I tried to be shorter as possible.
8 years, 10 months
Early Access builds of JDK 9 b116 & JDK 9 with Project Jigsaw b115 (#4909) are available on java.net
by Rory O'Donnell
Hi Galder,
Early Access b116 <https://jdk9.java.net/download/> for JDK 9 is
available on java.net, summary of changes are listed here
Early Access b115 <https://jdk9.java.net/jigsaw/> (#4909) for JDK 9 with
Project Jigsaw is available on java.net.
Recent changes:
* in b114
o Replace
With platform independent alternatives in java.awt
* in b115
o As per JEP 260, all non-Critical types/members should be moved
out of
sun/reflect and placed into a non-exported package. Only
critical APIs
should remain in sun.reflect.
We are very interested in hearing your experiences in testing any Early
Access builds. Have you have begun testing against
JDK 9 and or JDK 9 with Project Jigsaw EA builds, have you uncovered
showstopper issues that you would like to discuss?
We would really like to hear your findings so far, either reply to me or
via the mailing lists [1], [2].
[1] http://mail.openjdk.java.net/pipermail/jigsaw-dev/
[2] http://mail.openjdk.java.net/pipermail/jdk9-dev/
Rgds,Rory O'Donnell
Quality Engineering Manager
Oracle EMEA, Dublin,Ireland
8 years, 10 months
Marshalling/unmarshalling known type
by Radim Vansa
I've noticed that sometimes we marshall objects just using
output.writeObject() even though we know the target type - one example
for all is CommandInvocationId. That's somewhat suboptimal, as we know
that there won't be any CommandInvocationIdEx, so we could spare the
externalizer lookup and few bytes for object identifier.
Is there any better way than
new CommandInvocationId.Externalizer().writeObject(output,
Should we use this ^? I guess that object allocation will be eliminated
here easily.
Radim Vansa <rvansa(a)redhat.com>
JBoss Performance Team
8 years, 10 months
Status 2016/04/25
by Sebastian Laskawiec
Unfortunately I won't be able to make it for today's IRC meeting (if there
will be one), so here is my status:
- ISPN-5721 SNI implementation is done (2 PRs sent [1][2]). Both PRs are
waiting for review.
- I'm planning to write some blog post as soon as they are merged.
- This week I'll concentrate on setting up Openshift environment on my
local laptop and investigating the best way to implement:
- a Hotrod server image.
- At the moment the best way is to create a new example and ask
Openshift team to put it under their Github organization [3].
This way it
will be tested by their testsuite (!!!).
- Cloud Enablement team also plans to do some work with this area
but I couldn't get any meaningful information.
- The first iteration of the image might be really quick and dirty
(just to start moving forward with other things)
- investigating Config Map [4] and how this might help with Hotrod
server configuration.
- accessing the data from different pods (Hotrod cluster is in Pod A
and clients are in Pod B)
- think a little bit about multi tenancy (a quick and dirty solution
would be to prefix caches with cache containers but maybe there
is a better
- Plus, as usual, some small bug fixes, CI maintenance and product
related work.
That's all from me.
[1] https://github.com/infinispan/infinispan/pull/4262
[2] https://github.com/infinispan/infinispan/pull/4255
[3] https://github.com/search?q=org%3Aopenshift+-ex
[4] https://docs.openshift.org/latest/dev_guide/configmaps.html
8 years, 10 months