As a short term way to resolve this in AS 7.0. I'd like to have a fix
based on CR4 (since CR5 won't be available soon enough). We really need
to get this pulled together sometime tomorrow morning (June 10th) for AS
I created a branch based on the CR4 tag for this.
I didn't change the versioning in the pom.xml yet (maybe bin/
script will help with that ;)
Maybe this could be tagged CR4_AS7PATCH or 5.0.0.CR4_AS7PATCH. What do
you think?
I assume the groupid should still be org.infinispan. Let me know if it
should change (org.scottwasabadboyandforkedinfinispan ;).
I already did some testing of the master branch and
for my
interposed sync test case. I had recreated the original failure and
verified that its fixed on master and the above branch.
What do you think?
On 06/08/2011 01:40 PM, Mircea Markus wrote:
I've added a suggested solution:
Had a chat with Scott and he'll give it a go. I'll integrate/continue the work
tomorrow morning.
On 8 Jun 2011, at 18:18, Manik Surtani wrote:
> So what is the final proposed solution here?
> On 8 Jun 2011, at 01:07, Scott Marlow wrote:
>> I just hit this case locally.
>> This is running with a hacked AS7, in the sense that IronJacamar
>> (JBJCA-594), Hibernate JPA and the EJB3.1 container are registering TSR
>> interposed synchronizations
>> (
>> This is for a 2lc unit test running in AS7 (non-clustered).
>> is already running, meaning that we cannot expect
>> org.infinispan.transaction.TransactionTable.enlist() to succeed in its
>> transaction.registerSynchronization().
>> Scott
>> On 06/01/2011 03:49 PM, Scott Marlow wrote:
>>> I posted a message on the as7-dev ml
>>> (,
>>> about switching to use the TransactionSynchronizationRegistry.
>>> Does Infinispan currently register Transaction synchronization objects?
>>> Does Infinispan currently register synchronizations via
>>> TransactionSynchronizationRegistry (TSR)?
>>> I'm trying to get a sense for, what would happen if container managed
>>> (AS7) session beans were registered with the active JTA transaction via
>>> the TSR.
>>> If AS7 switches to use the TSR, I think that Infinispan might need to
>>> ensure that it doesn't attempt to register with the TX too late.
>>> See for an example of what would happen if a
>>> TSR synchronization object is already present and someone tries to
>>> register a TX synchronization after tx.commit has been started.
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