In a previous email, Bela suggested having a look at Google Protocol
Buffers for implementing Hot Rod.
I had a brief look at Google Protocol Buffers and at first glance, the
most obvious advantage is that it abstract the lower level protocol
details and generate higher level code in different languages: Java,
C++, Python.
Another thing I've noted is that it does seem to handle different
versions of the protocol in a transparent way, as indicated in "A bit of
history" section in
Once we're all happy with the protocol itself, I think it might be worth
doing a small prototype for example with a put operation and an a
cluster formation event and see how it works.
What do people think? Anyone with Google Protocol Buffers experience
that could provide us with 1st hand advice?
Galder ZamarreƱo
Sr. Software Engineer
Infinispan, JBoss Cache