On 19 Sep 2014, at 17:09, William Burns <mudokonman(a)gmail.com> wrote:
Comments regarding embedded usage are inline. I am not quite sure
the hot rod client ones.
On Thu, Sep 18, 2014 at 12:24 PM, Emmanuel Bernard
<emmanuel(a)hibernate.org> wrote:
> That requires us to be able to provide the old and new value to the KeyValueFilter
and the Converter interface as well as the type of event (creation, update, deletion).
I agree the oldValue is required for most efficient usage. From the
oldValue though it seems you can infer what operation it is. Create
has null oldValue and delete has null newValue I would think.
well except when I do cache.put(key, null) but that might not matter.
The other use case is the includeInitialState where the old value would be either null or
the same as the new one? Could a user detect that state based on old == new?
At any rate the programming model becomes quite awkward and rely on strong understanding,
I’d prefer to stick an enum showing the transition explicitly to make things easier.
This also came up here
and I am debating if this interface should be separate or just an
extension from KeyValueFilter etc.
The thing is the new interface is mostly beneficial only to clustered
listeners since non cluster listeners get both the pre and post event
which makes the old value accessible. I may have to just try to write
it up and see how it goes unless anyone has any suggestions.
+1, feel free to send even gists of your progresses, I’m happy to provide feedback.
> With the use case I describe, I think the best approach is to merge the KVF and
Converter into a single Listener like interface that is able to send or silence an event
payload. But that’s guestimate.
> Because oldValue / newValue implies an unmarshalling overhead we might want to make
it an annotation based flag on the class that is executed on each node (somewhat similar
to the settings hosted on @Listener).
We actually have an interface that combines the 2 interfaces, it is
called KeyValueFilterConverter. It was added to more efficiently
perform indexless querying using entry retriever. This interface is
not supported for cluster listeners at this time though.
That interface would do - assuming we get the old / new values and the transition.
But then it begs the question, do we really want to keep the KeyFilter, KeyValueFilter and
Converter interfaces around. That’s a lot of interface for features quite interrelated.
I can see why they can speed things up (esp KeyFilter that does not require to unmarshal
the value).
> ## includeCurrentState and very narrow filtering
> The existing approach is fine (send a create event notif for all existing keys and
queue changes in the mean time) as long as the listener plans to consume most of these
> But in case of a big data grid, with a lot of passivated entries, the cost would
become non negligible.
The filter and converter are applied while doing the current state so
it should be performant in that case.
I don’t understand, the code still has to look all key/value pairs of a given node (at
least the primary ones) and send them through the KVF / Converter logic. So you need to
unmarshal all of them as well as load from cachestore the passivated ones. Correct? That’s
the cost I am describing here.
Also to note while the current
state operation is ongoing any new notifications are enqueued until
the current state is applied. These new events will not cause
blocking as you mentioned earlier with sync since they are immediately
enqueued. The queueing may be something we have to add blocking
though possibly to prevent memory exhaustion in the case when the
initial iteration is extremely slow and there are a lot of updates
during that period. The code currently has code to release queued
events by segment as the segments are completed, I have thought about
also releasing events by key instead which should relieve a lot of
possible memory usage.
> An alternative approach is to first do a query matching the elements the listener is
interested in and queue up the events until the query is fully processed. Can a listener
access a cache and do a query? Should we offer such option in a more packaged way?
The provided filter be doing this already.
But maybe more info on what you are proposing. Either way it seems we
have to have the listener installed before we can run the query so we
can properly tell what events should be raised in the event of
concurrent events while the query is running.
You lost me here :)